KonnorRogers / view-layer-benchmarks

benchmarks of view layers for Rails
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Independent Benchmarking #6

Open fractaledmind opened 2 years ago

fractaledmind commented 2 years ago

I wonder if this would make a difference in these benchmarks:

If you are comparing multiple implementations of a piece of code you may want to benchmark them in separate invocations of Ruby so that the measurements are independent of each other. You can do this with the hold! command.


KonnorRogers commented 2 years ago

Huh....TIL...I'll see about adding this @fractaledmind

I admittedly stole these benchmarks from ViewComponent. I pretty much have no idea what I'm doing...

KonnorRogers commented 2 weeks ago

Results are similar, then annoying thing is you need to do something like this to get it to run all the invocations:

for run in {1..7}; do ruby benchmark.rb; done


          papercraft:    16159.6 i/s
               phlex:    13636.5 i/s - 1.19x  slower
           ruby2html:    13486.6 i/s - 1.20x  slower
      view_component:     7445.1 i/s - 2.17x  slower
               cells:     3896.8 i/s - 4.15x  slower
            partials:     3402.3 i/s - 4.75x  slower
            dry_view:      452.5 i/s - 35.71x  slower
fractaledmind commented 2 weeks ago

For some benchmarking I was doing, what I did was simply create two Ruby files, called bench.rb and meta.rb. I run ruby meta.rb, and that runs bench.rb multiple times in different setups. This also then allowed me to do some extra setup and post-processing work in meta.rb. Gist here: https://gist.github.com/fractaledmind/56329e5893777dbf43b8c480df554bfb