KonradHoeffner / hdt

Library for the Header Dictionary Triples (HDT) compression file format for RDF data.
MIT License
19 stars 4 forks source link

fix bug with rickview and qbench2 #14

Closed KonradHoeffner closed 1 year ago

KonradHoeffner commented 1 year ago
  Compiling hdt v0.0.3 (/home/konrad/projekte/rust/hdt)
   Compiling rickview v0.0.5 (/home/konrad/projekte/rust/rickview)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 2.59s
     Running `target/debug/rickview`
[INFO ] Serving http://linkedspending.aksw.org/ at http://localhost:8080/
Start constructing wavelet matrix...finished constructing wavelet matrix with length 16144457
Constructing OPS index...finished constructing OPS index
HDT size in memory 248.2 MB, details:
Hdt {
    dict: FourSectDict {
        shared: total size 2.6 MB, sequence 26.8 KB with 9745 entries, 22 bits per entry, packed data 2.6 MB,
        subjects: total size 41.5 MB, sequence 193.0 KB with 59393 entries, 26 bits per entry, packed data 41.3 MB,
        predicates: total size 6.8 KB, sequence 48 B with 29 entries, 13 bits per entry, packed data 6.7 KB,
        objects: total size 59.5 MB, sequence 661.1 KB with 203407 entries, 26 bits per entry, packed data 58.8 MB,
    triple_sect: Bitmap(
        total size 144.6 MB
        adjlist_y AdjList {
            sequence: 18.2 MB with 16144457 entries, 9 bits per entry,
            bitmap: 2.6 MB,
        adjlist_z AdjList {
            sequence: 48.6 MB with 16213801 entries, 24 bits per entry,
            bitmap: 1.6 MB,
        op_index total size 49.8 MB {
            sequence: 48.6 MB with 24 bits,
            bitmap: 1.1 MB
        wavelet_y 23.8 MB,
thread 'actix-rt|system:0|arbiter:0' panicked at 'dictionary error in the shared section: index out of bounds: id 155895 > dictionary section len 437', /home/konrad/projekte/rust/hdt/src/hdt.rs:42:107
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
thread 'actix-rt|system:0|arbiter:1' panicked at 'dictionary error in the shared section: index out of bounds: id 155895 > dictionary section len 437', /home/konrad/projekte/rust/hdt/src/hdt.rs:42:107