KonradIT / gopro-py-api

Unofficial GoPro API Library for Python - connect to GoPro via WiFi.
MIT License
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GoPro Hero 9 connected via USB - take_photo() not returning #199

Open Peter-S-G opened 1 year ago

Peter-S-G commented 1 year ago


I was following a discussion from https://github.com/gopro/OpenGoPro/discussions/146. I connect my GoPro Hero 9 (firmware v1.21) to my MacBook Pro via USB. I am running code you provided AlanEbell in PyCharm with a little modification to account for the UUID (code is provided below). When I run the program, the code takes a photo and saves it onto the SD card in the GoPro but it does not download the photo onto my laptop and does not stop until I stop the program. When I tried gopro.shoot_video(10) the command would start taking a video but it would go over the 10 second duration until I manually stop the recording on the GoPro and the code. When I debug the issue I find out that the program is stuck at the command gopro.take_photo() or gopro.shoot_video() where the command is not being completed and that the command is going into an infinite loop at GoProCamera.py line 587 to 589 (for gopro.take_photo()) where ready = "" stating that it is still busy.

When I run the same code in Windows 10 (again in PyCharm), instead of getting an infinite loop I get an error message stating Connectionreseterror: [winerror 10054] an existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

What is weird is before I downgraded the firmware to v1.21, I ran the program and I was not able to take a photo or video but the program would be able to download the last saved photo/video from the SD card.

from goprocam import GoProCamera, constants
import netifaces as ni

interface_port = 0
ifaces = ni.interfaces()
for iface in ifaces:
        ip = ni.ifaddresses(iface)[ni.AF_INET][0]["addr"]
        if ip.startswith("172."):
            print(f"IP: {ip} from Interface {iface}")
            interface_port = iface

def record_video(interface: str) -> None:
    gopro = GoProCamera.GoPro(ip_address=GoProCamera.GoPro.getWebcamIP(
        interface), camera=constants.gpcontrol, webcam_device=interface, api_type=constants.ApiServerType.OPENGOPRO)
        r = gopro.setWiredControl(constants.on)
        pass  # sometimes throws 500 server error when camera is already on wired control mode

    print("Taking Photo")
    r = gopro.take_photo(1) # Error creating infinite while loop in GoProCamera.py line 587 to 589
    print("Photo Taken")
    r = gopro.delete(constants.Delete.LAST)


MacOS Monterey 12.5.1 Windows 10 PyCharm GoPro Hero 9 v1.21

Sladerix commented 1 year ago
Schermata 2022-11-17 alle 11 17 06

tried your code on macOS Monterey 12.6.1 with PyCharm and Python 3.10

Seems to work like intended