KonstantinosAng / PyKinect2-Mapper-Functions

ICoordinateMapper functions using PyKinectV2 wrapper for python
MIT License
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Related to 1.getting same values of pixel in entire columna and 2. frame resolution #9

Open Sourab1801 opened 2 years ago

Sourab1801 commented 2 years ago

[hello] @KonstantinosAng output matrix

    Actually I am using kinect/pykinect2 lib to connect my kinect v2 with python. I am getting the depth image also and I  did some processing also in opencv but I am facing issue when I am going to print the captured frame matrix it shows me the same values in in entire column so I am not able to detect any object coming in front of my kinect sensor. also I am attaching the screenshot of matrix output.

And my second issue is about frame resolution , In kinect/pykinect2 i am not able to reduce the resolution properly. if i want 15x15 resolution then it converts height only 15 and width is 120. when i am going to increase the resolution above 120x120 then it work properly but below 120x120 it only decreases the height and the width is 120 as it is .

my code:

import cv2

from pykinect2 import PyKinectV2 from pykinect2 import PyKinectRuntime import ctypes import _ctypes import pygame import numpy as np from PIL import Image MARGIN =10 WIDTH = 10 HEIGHT = 10 mog = cv2.createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2(history=2000, varThreshold=16, detectShadows=True) class DepthRuntime(object): def init(self): # constructor initialize(assign values) to the data members of the class x = pygame.init() # initialize all imported pygame modules

    # Used to manage how fast the screen updates
    self._clock = pygame.time.Clock()

    # Loop until the user clicks the close button.
    self._done = False

    # Used to manage how fast the screen updates
    self._clock = pygame.time.Clock()

    # Kinect runtime object, we want only color and body frames
    self._kinect = PyKinectRuntime.PyKinectRuntime(PyKinectV2.FrameSourceTypes_Depth)

    # back buffer surface for getting Kinect infrared frames, 8bit grey, width and height equal to the Kinect color frame size
    self._frame_surface = pygame.Surface((self._kinect.depth_frame_desc.Width, self._kinect.depth_frame_desc.Height), 0, 24)
    # here we will store skeleton data
    self._bodies = None

    # Set the width and height of the screen [width, height]

    self._screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (120,120),pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF | pygame.RESIZABLE, 32)
    self._infoObject = pygame.display.Info()

    pygame.display.set_caption("Kinect for Windows v2 Depth")

def draw_Depth_newframe(self, frame, target_surface):
    if frame is None:  # some usb hub do not provide the infrared image. it works with Kinect studio though
    f7= np.uint8(frame.clip(1, 4000)/ 16.)  #clip to change the minimum value to 0 and maximum value to 250
    frame8bit = np.dstack((f7,f7,f7)) #change all RGB values to the same value
    address = self._kinect.surface_as_array(target_surface.get_buffer())
    ctypes.memmove(address,frame8bit.ctypes.data, frame8bit.size) #Moving data (frame) to that particular address
    #frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame8bit, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
    # cv2.imshow('KINECT Video Stream', frame)
    frame8bit = frame8bit.astype(np.uint8)
    frame8bit = cv2.resize(frame8bit, (20,20))
    new_Arr = cv2.cvtColor(frame8bit, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    fgmask = mog.apply(new_Arr)
    # threshold this and clean it up using dilation with a elliptical mask
    fgthres = cv2.threshold(fgmask.copy(), 128, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]
    fgdilated = cv2.dilate(fgthres, kernel=cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (3, 3)), iterations=3)
    bgmodel = mog.getBackgroundImage()
    cv2.imshow("new_Arr", new_Arr)

    # print(new_Arr.ndim)
    # print(new_Arr.size)
    # print(new_Arr.shape)

   #frame = frame.astype(np.uint8)
    #reshaped_arr = np.reshape(frame8bit,(1,651264))
    del address

def run(self):
        # -------- Main Program Loop -----------
        while not self._done:
            # --- Main event loop
            for event in pygame.event.get():  # User did something
                if event.type == pygame.QUIT:  # If user clicked close
                    self._done = True  # Flag that we are done so we exit this loop

                elif event.type == pygame.VIDEORESIZE:  # window resized

                    self._screen = pygame.display.set_mode((0,0),pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF | pygame.RESIZABLE, 32)

            # --- Getting frames and drawing
            if self._kinect.has_new_depth_frame():
                frame = self._kinect.get_last_depth_frame()
                self.draw_Depth_newframe(frame, self._frame_surface)
                frame = None

                self._screen.blit(self._frame_surface, [0,0])

            # --- Go ahead and update the screen with what we've drawn.

            # --- Limit to 60 frames per second

        # Close our Kinect sensor, close the window and quit.

main = "Kinect v2 Depth" game = DepthRuntime() game.run()

please help me in this issues. Thank you

KonstantinosAng commented 2 years ago

I am sorry mate, I do not have a Kinect any more, but as far as i can see you do not use my library so it is better to make this comment here:


its the official python kinect2 repo