KonstantinosAng / PyKinect2-PyQtGraph-PointClouds

Creating real-time dynamic Point Clouds using PyQtGraph, Kinect 2 and the python library PyKinect2.
MIT License
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try to generate point cloud based on 512*424 depth image #5

Open CaptainAA opened 2 years ago

CaptainAA commented 2 years ago

Hi, I want to use this lib to transfer the .mat depth file to the point cloud file, what should I do? I am a rookie in this field, sorry. I would appreciate that if you could guide me!

KonstantinosAng commented 2 years ago

Hello, unfortunately this library can make live pointclouds using the Kinect v2 and save these pointclouds in a .pcd or .ply format, thus it cannot convert a .mat file to a point cloud file.