If submitted, the parameter city gets cut to just 'M'.
Other example city=Osnabrück gets cut to 'Osnbr'
So parameters with special charcters in them are not binded correctly.
I looked deeper into this issue and found out, that kooboo uses unicode hexdecimal to encode these characters:(Osnabr%u00fcck)
I found this strange behavior on Kooboo version 4.3.8 - 4.3.12 Url: (München) http://localhost:38954/dev~NOZ/SearchResult/?ModuleUrl=**QXZSZ**/Home/GetRssFeed~~searchQuery=Programmierer$$city=München$$topJobOnly=0$$pageNumber=0$$jobModeIds=3%2C2%2C1
If submitted, the parameter city gets cut to just 'M'. Other example city=Osnabrück gets cut to 'Osnbr' So parameters with special charcters in them are not binded correctly.
Edit: I looked deeper into this issue and found out, that kooboo uses unicode hexdecimal to encode these characters:(Osnabr%u00fcck) ModuleUrl=QXZSZ%2fHome%2fGetRssFeed%7e%7ecity%3dOsnabr%u00fcck%24%24topJobOnly%3d0%24%24pageNumber%3d0%24%24jobModeIds%3d3%2c2%2c1&
See also forum: http://forum.kooboo.com/yaf_postst4443_Module-url-parameter-with-special-characters-is-broken.aspx#post13418