KopiasCsaba / StreamFixerBrowserExtension

Helper extension for window capturing video chat web applications, to become usable for broadcasting.
GNU General Public License v3.0
11 stars 3 forks source link

Chrome not resizing, Firefox bugs OBS. #21

Open DnDPaladin opened 3 years ago

DnDPaladin commented 3 years ago

Hi there, really love the extension, if it could work as it was supposed to. first i had my screen maximised and realised it doesn'T work like that. it needs to be windowed, so did that.

now heres why i have an issue... using chrome your extension is limited to the size of our screen resolution. we cannot extend chrome beyond that limit. it seems to be a limitation from chrome itself, not from windows 10. because firefox doesn't have that limitation. i click the minimised button of your extension and it doesn't solve the problem. i click on resize from your extension. the screen goes to resize the chrome window but again, stops at the maximum screen resolution there is. in my case 1360x720 since thats what my maximum resolution can be on my TV. so yeah, chrome seems to have a limitation on windows 10. a limitation that just stops this from working properly.

now on firefox, i tryed it... don't have that problem, firefox works as intended. instead, when i put my overlay into OBS, OBS seems to bug after a certain time, confirmed that it is because of the screen captures since it works fine if the page is closed and doesn't bug out. but as soon as i reopen the window, it bugs OBS after a while. so up to this point i'm stuck creating an overlay for each member who joins and quits and i really wish that extension would work. but it seems there are limitations on chrome and firefox somehow.

also just to let you know, on firefox there is two streamfixer extension, and the one people all uses is not yours ! yet both are the same, so i think someone may have stolen your thing !

thanks for checking into it, i definitely want this tow ork, it would save me tons of trouble on the streams.