KorAP / Kustvakt

:speedboat: User and policy management component for KorAP, capable of rewriting queries for policy based document restrictions.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Warning about multi-release JARs support #706

Closed margaretha closed 6 months ago

margaretha commented 8 months ago

After upgrading to Java 17, running Kustvakt jar produces the following warning:

$ java -jar target/Kustvakt-full-0.72-SNAPSHOT.jar WARNING: Runtime environment or build system does not support multi-release JARs. This will impact location-based features.

Krill and Koral still use java 11. Compiling them using Java 11 or 17 doesn't make any change.

margaretha commented 7 months ago

The warning comes from log4j because some of its functionalities do not work due to multi-release jar.

There is also an issue with Jersey-Spring ext multi-release jar since maven-shade-plugin doesn't get the correct Java version without specifying the following configuration within ManifestResourceTransformer.

<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">