KorAP / Kustvakt

:speedboat: User and policy management component for KorAP, capable of rewriting queries for policy based document restrictions.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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APIs not found #708

Closed margaretha closed 6 months ago

margaretha commented 8 months ago

The web-services cannot be found after upgrading to Jersey 3. The server doesn't run properly, although the test suite run well.

margaretha commented 8 months ago

The problem was caused by Shutdownhandler trying to shutdown any running instances at start. Setting the parameter sendShutdownAtStart fixes the problem. However, we may get rid of this handler since it is not really used and necessary.

Besides, there are some errors regarding jakarta validation that require additional libraries: hibernate-validator and jakarta.el. Strangely, the errors didn't occur when running the test suite.

margaretha commented 7 months ago

The problem is also related to multi-release jar, see #706 . Maven-shade-plugin unpack dependency jars and repacks them, but it doesn't use the correct java version for Jersey-Spring ext so Spring dependency injection doesn't work. Without specifying <Multi-Release>true</Multi-Release>, it gets Java 11 from a multi-release jar.