Closed itunxRedPanda closed 11 months ago
Good day, I don't know if you are still updating the Krz_personalmene but I definitely wanted to let you know that in config.lua the trigger event is
TriggerServerEvent('krz_personalmenu:Admin_giveCash', Amount)
should be changed to
TriggerServerEvent('krz_personalmenu:Admin_giveMoney', Amount)
the same applies to server/main.lua
with the trigger event [Cash] I could not give myself money
i hope this information was helpful for you and have a nice day
You can give yourself because you are admin.
Good day, I don't know if you are still updating the Krz_personalmene but I definitely wanted to let you know that in config.lua the trigger event is
TriggerServerEvent('krz_personalmenu:Admin_giveCash', Amount)
should be changed to
TriggerServerEvent('krz_personalmenu:Admin_giveMoney', Amount)
the same applies to server/main.lua
with the trigger event [Cash] I could not give myself money
i hope this information was helpful for you and have a nice day