KorzhCom / EasyData

Adaptive CRUD for ASP.NET Core. With EasyData you can get both API endpoints and client-side UI for all CRUD operations in a matter of minutes using just your DbContext and a few lines of code.
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Entity Framework 6 Support #184

Open LaikaGlove opened 4 months ago

LaikaGlove commented 4 months ago

This looks like a wonderful alternative to the old Dynamic Data from .NET Framework. Any plans to add support for Entity Framework 6?

antifree commented 4 months ago


Thank you for the idea!

But I think EF 6 is quite outdated technology and is not commonly used in current projects. I suppose that with EF 6 support we will need to add old ASP.NET support as well, so it will require implementation for two new packages EasyData.AspNet and EasyData.EF6 which will almost duplicate existing functionally and will force us to spend more effort on supporting both versions.

If we will see interest from many developers in it, I will find some time to implement it. Until that I would keep this feature request on hold. What do you think about it, @korzh?

korzh commented 4 months ago

Agree. EF6 is like 10 years old now. We would add support for it only if there is a much higher demand.