Kosinkadink / ComfyUI-AnimateDiff-Evolved

Improved AnimateDiff for ComfyUI and Advanced Sampling Support
Apache License 2.0
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[AnimateDiffEvo] - WARNING - ffmpeg could not be found. Outputs that require it have been disabled #105

Open evanerichards opened 9 months ago

evanerichards commented 9 months ago

I keep running into this problem: [AnimateDiffEvo] - WARNING - ffmpeg could not be found. Outputs that require it have been disabled

I don't know why it's giving me this message as ffmpeg is definitely installed on my system and a PATH is even set in environment variables.

Any thoughts why this might not be working? Should I be able to export video files in addition to .gif and .webp? I've updated comfyui and all the associated nodes.

Kosinkadink commented 9 months ago

Check if VideoHelperSuite stuff works for you for video outputs - the video-related nodes in AnimateDiff-Evolved are deprecated and I will delete them in a few weeks.

Kosinkadink commented 9 months ago

Hey, were you able to get ffmpeg working with VHS? I just pushed some code here there that should fix ffmpeg use on certain OSs.

gxbsyxh commented 9 months ago

I have the same problem and can only use GIFs

JuhJee commented 9 months ago

Hello, same for me : [AnimateDiffEvo] - WARNING - ffmpeg could not be found. Outputs that require it have been disabled FETCH DATA from: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ltdrdata/ComfyUI-Manager/main/custom-node-list.json Merci beaucoup !!

ixiLod commented 9 months ago

Hi, little feedback for MacOS (apple silicon), there is the same problem with ffmpeg, and we obtain a black picture when the generation is finished.

ixiLod commented 9 months ago

Regarding the installation on Mac, the installation via the official package does not seem to work, you just have to go through an installation with homebrew, with the homebrew installation the nodes recognize ffmpeg, however, you always get a black picture at the end of the generation.

Kosinkadink commented 9 months ago

If you're on Mac, make sure you apply the workaround to keep comfy's optimization from kicking in, as pytorch on Mac has a bug that causes black images when that happens: https://github.com/Kosinkadink/ComfyUI-AnimateDiff-Evolved/issues/48#issuecomment-1750156332

If you're saving a gif, it does not use ffmpeg at all to do it, so the images will not be black because of that. But the Mac bug does cause it. Soon(ish), I plan to make it easier to apply the workaround for the Mac pytorch bug.

Kosinkadink commented 9 months ago

Also, the AnimateDiff Combine node is deprecated and will get zero support going forward - I only still have it here for backwards compatibility with previous workflows. The continued development of that node happens in VideoHelperSuite, with the direct replacement node called Video Combine. However, if you didn't apply that Mac workaround yet, the black frames are much more likely caused by the bug than anything relates to ffmpeg not being there (save options available when ffmpeg is not found don't use ffmpeg to save).

ixiLod commented 9 months ago

For me I had the problem of black images with the latest VideoHelper and the deprecated version, I tried to put unlimited_area_hack=True, but now it systematically crashes at Sampler time, there must be something else, when I reset to False no crash, I will look into the question, and thank you very much for the topic, and especially for the work!

Kosinkadink commented 9 months ago

@ixiLod use the --use-split-cross-attention startup argument, that should fix your crash on Mac, on that thread I linked some other peeps had the same issue and fixed it with that

ixiLod commented 9 months ago

It works well ! Thanks a lot !

abstrct90014 commented 8 months ago

Hi everyone! I run ConfyUI locally on a PC and I get the same error message… I’m only able to generate GIF and not video outcome. I read the whole thread but not sure how to fix this. It worked with A1111. Thanks for your help 🙏

Kosinkadink commented 8 months ago

@abstrct90014 Make sure to use Video Combine from VideoHelperSuite (VHS), linked in the readme, instead of AnimateDiff Combine from this repo. AnimateDiff Combine is deprecated, meaning it will not get any more support. I plan to update the code for it to throw an error telling people to use Video Combine from VHS instead.

TheMGilroy commented 8 months ago

@Kosinkadink I'm not getting any black screens now, but I still get the warning about not having ffmpeg and only have gif and webm as output options. (Mac M1 Max) - is there someplace i need to put ffmpeg within the comfyUI folder for it to be regocnized?

ixiLod commented 8 months ago

@TheMGilroy Install ffmpeg with homebrew, it works for me, I'm also on m1 max :

brew update brew upgrade brew install ffmpeg

TheMGilroy commented 8 months ago

ah, yep that worked. Easy enough

94352799 commented 8 months ago

[AnimateDiffEvo] - WARNING - This warning can be ignored, you should not be using the deprecated AnimateDiff Combine node anyway. If you are, use Video Combine from ComfyUI-VideoHelperSuite instead. ffmpeg could not be found. Outputs that require it have been disabled.

i cant repair help me pls

Kosinkadink commented 8 months ago

There is nothing to repair. If you're intending to combine your frames into a video, the warning explains what you should do. Is there something in that warning message that you need a clarification on?

Gloynus commented 8 months ago

How do you just turn off this warning? I don't plan to put ffmpg and use outdated nodes. I would like not to see 6 warnings in a row every time I start (I don't know why I have 6, but it's a fact).

crystalwizard commented 7 months ago

is there an updated node yet?

Kosinkadink commented 7 months ago

Yes, it's exactly what the warning message says.

Postvoyagercl commented 7 months ago

I did al the @TheMGilroy Install ffmpeg with homebrew, it works for me, I'm also on m1 max :

brew update brew upgrade brew install ffmpeg

and the Errors doesn't exist anymore, but the result is a black video. Any hint? I´m running M2 Mac

Kosinkadink commented 7 months ago

@Gloynus I pushed a new change just now to keep the warning from repeating on every page reload - I'm guessing on your end, you had duplicate warning messages pop up for each tab/refresh done, that should go away now - will only display the first time ComfyUI is accessed in the browser after a ComfyUI restart.

Ragnakalypse commented 3 months ago

I'm a user of the M3 Pro MacBook Pro, and I'm still encountering errors when using SVD or AnimateDiff Evolved on this Apple Silicon Mac. I've installed ffmpeg via Homebrew, updated all nodes, and specified the path for ffmpeg. I'm using Stable-Diffusion via the ComfyUI package through Stability Matrix. For Mac, I heard there's an error with pytorch causing black screens in the generated output due to system conflicts, so I'm using --use-split-cross-attention. I've also heard that the Video Combine node in VHS is no longer supported. So, which nodes should I update to? I'm still experiencing ffmpeg errors and have installed mps acceleration and onnyxruntime to resolve mps backend out of memory errors. I've also used arguments like --precision full --no-half --normal vram and adjusted environment variables. Please help me out. 😭

Ragnakalypse commented 3 months ago

DWPose: Onnxruntime with acceleration providers detected [AnimateDiffEvo] - ERROR - No motion models found. Please download one and place in: ['/Applications/Data/Packages/ComfyUI/custom_nodes/ComfyUI-AnimateDiff-Evolved/models', '/Applications/Data/Packages/ComfyUI/models/animatediff_models'] [VideoHelperSuite] - WARNING - Failed to import imageio_ffmpeg [VideoHelperSuite] - ERROR - No valid ffmpeg found.

HyperFir3 commented 3 days ago

I keep running into this problem: [AnimateDiffEvo] - WARNING - ffmpeg could not be found. Outputs that require it have been disabled

I don't know why it's giving me this message as ffmpeg is definitely installed on my system and a PATH is even set in environment variables.

Any thoughts why this might not be working? Should I be able to export video files in addition to .gif and .webp? I've updated comfyui and all the associated nodes.

Hello there, i don't if you still need help but, that's error message said you don't have the FFMEPG installed or set as default path, please follow this guide here " https://www.wikihow.com/Install-FFmpeg-on-Windows " and you will solve the problem. Hope it helps

Kosinkadink commented 3 days ago

That warning message can be completely ignored. I thought I deleted it in recent versions as the ancient video support in ADE is completely deprecated in favor of VideoHelperSuite. VideoHelperSuite works with either a manually installed ffmpeg, or tries to use imageio-ffmpeg package instead.

If I forgot to remove it, I'll do so on the next release.