Closed ShmuelRonen closed 6 months ago
I've had no success reproducing the error described and the suggested code changes seems to consist of primarily rollbacks on several months of fixes and feature additions.
To take a wild guess, are you trying to connect a Meta-Batch Manager to just the output? That connection is optional and only for specialized workflows.
Sorry for that. In my stupidity I didn't think that what I need to do is just 'git pull' to the latest version of VideoHelperSuite...
Still, it was good training for me in solving code problems
No worries. Thanks for taking the time to try and make VHS better.
Hi and thank you for the development effort you invest.
While working on a node that I am developing, I encountered a problem that when I input sound and video together, your node enters an infinite loop. I checked the problem and found a solution that I enter to- class VideoCombine:. I would be happy if you check it and if it is acceptable to you, update you ComfyUI-VideoHelperSuite)
Here the code: