KosmosisDire / obsidian-webpage-export

Export html from single files, canvas pages, or whole vaults. Direct access to the exported HTML files allows you to publish your digital garden anywhere. Focuses on flexibility, features, and style parity.
MIT License
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[Bug]: Files Renamed remove spaces in attachment (Solved), Kanban not working, TOC weird is contains link #416

Open roytoh opened 3 months ago

roytoh commented 3 months ago

What happened?

Original file with Uppercase after export to web server turn lowercase. All space turned to -


When i export web server, it changed all files and attachment replace uppercase to lowercase and blank to -

Last Working Version

No response



Operating System

Windows 11

Obsidian Version


Which browsers can you reproduce this in?

Microsoft Edge

Relevant log output

[INFO]  Including stylesheet: css-settings-manager
[INFO]  Including stylesheet: css-settings-manager
[INFO]  Using "[[business]]" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Closing render window

    settingsVersion --------- 1.8.01
    makeOfflineCompatible     false
    inlineAssets ------------ false
    includePluginCSS          4 plugins included
    includeSvelteCSS -------- true
    titleProperty             Grey Corporation
    customHeadContentPath ---
    faviconPath               F:\\\\- Database\\Grey Corp\\- icons\\Roy Toh.png
    documentWidth ----------- 40em
    sidebarWidth              20em
    minOutlineCollapse ------ 2
    startOutlineCollapsed     true
    allowFoldingHeadings ---- true
    allowFoldingLists         true
    allowResizingSidebars --- true
    logLevel                  warning
    minifyHTML -------------- true
    makeNamesWebStyle         true
    onlyExportModified ------ true
    deleteOldFiles            false
    addThemeToggle ---------- true
    addOutline                true
    addFileNav -------------- true
    addSearchBar              true
    addGraphView ------------ true
    addTitle                  true
    addRSSFeed -------------- false
    siteURL                   https://greycorp.ddns.net/
    authorName -------------- Roy Toh
    vaultTitle                Grey Corp
    exportPreset ------------ website
    openAfterExport           true
    graphAttractionForce ---- 1
    graphLinkLength           10
    graphRepulsionForce ----- 150
    graphCentralForce         3
    graphEdgePruning -------- 100
    graphMinNodeSize          3
    graphMaxNodeSize -------- 7
    showDefaultTreeIcons      true
    emojiStyle -------------- Native
    defaultFileIcon           lucide//file
    defaultFolderIcon ------- lucide//folder
    defaultMediaIcon          lucide//file-image
    exportPath -------------- F:\\Apache24\\htdocs
    filesToExport             2

Enabled Plugins:
    Update time on edit
    Find orphaned files and broken links
    Advanced Slides
    Easy Typing
    Editor Syntax Highlight
    Emoji Toolbar
    Image Toolkit
    Mind Map
    Style Settings
    Html Server
    DB Folder
    Ribbon Divider
    Recent Files
    Table of Contents
    Fast Image Cleaner by Roytoh
    Tag Wrangler
    Webpage HTML Export

Additional Info

No response

aubreyz commented 3 months ago

Which is exactly as it should be... https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1488280/what-are-the-legal-allowed-characters-for-web-server-file-names-on

KosmosisDire commented 3 months ago

Yes, this is expected behavior. What is the reason you do not want this to happen? It only affects the file names, not the names displayed inside the document

roytoh commented 3 months ago

Because my obsidian around 30GB++, expert to web server crash. So i export without attachment then my attachment can't open because the linking in obsidian direct to files without space but my actual file with space.

aubreyz commented 3 months ago

Because my obsidian around 30GB++, expert to web server crash. So i export without attachment then my attachment can't open because the linking in obsidian direct to files without space but my actual file with space.

Because in general you can't have spaces in file names in web files. This is nothing to do with this plugin. Likewise (in general but not an absolute rule) it is best to use only lower case file names.

KosmosisDire commented 3 months ago

Yes unfortunately it seems the real problem here is that the export crashes. However, if you would like to override this setting anyways you can navigate to the plugin's folder where the data.json file is stored, open the data.json as a text file, and set makeNamesWebStyle to false. This will do what you want, but isn't recommended normally.

roytoh commented 3 months ago

Yes unfortunately it seems the real problem here is that the export crashes. However, if you would like to override this setting anyways you can navigate to the plugin's folder where the data.json file is stored, open the data.json as a text file, and set makeNamesWebStyle to false. This will do what you want, but isn't recommended normally.

Problem solved.

  1. Currently i able to solve the issue of attachment has space while web server change link of attachment into without spaces I use symbiolic link to link my current attachment file to the new exported web server in apache.
  2. I found another plugin to enable my future attachment to remove space by editing their js which prevent future issue occurred
  3. Current files i require manually rename to remove the spaces via obsidian app as i can't rename outside the obsidian software

Issue Found

  1. I notice kanban can't display and scroll properly in exported web server
  2. If heading is a link, the table of contents don't appear nicely as below photos image is it related to https://github.com/KosmosisDire/obsidian-webpage-export/issues/386?

Issue to be verified.

  1. Photos and videos i yet verified but photos seem working as i haven't rename all my files yet.
KosmosisDire commented 3 months ago

Your second two issues:

  1. Did you enable the kanban styles in the plugin settings? If you want support for a plugin you have to enable it's styles.

  2. This is a known issue that is fixed in the beta version

roytoh commented 2 months ago


  1. The plugin i enable but it stucked and can't scroll in version 1.8.01 and 1.8.1-2b. I removed the kanban plugin as least can use as usual.
  2. Solved

1.8.1-2b New Advantages

  1. Click export button instead appeared compared previously need wait few minutes.
  2. After appeared selection click export instantly appeared as well compared previously need wait few minutes.
KosmosisDire commented 2 months ago

I will fix the scrolling issue soon, I had noticed that as well

roytoh commented 2 months ago

I will fix the scrolling issue soon, I had noticed that as well

Awesome thanks but i just tried the beta i can't export completely my files, i removed export attachment to reduce files exported.

Both beta version can't export. I'm using back the stable version 1.8.01 but when click export, it hangs then only appears.

KosmosisDire commented 2 months ago

When you say you can't completely export your files what do you mean? I need more information to be able to know what is going wrong and how to fix it

roytoh commented 2 months ago

When you say you can't completely export your files what do you mean? I need more information to be able to know what is going wrong and how to fix it

Current Issues and Findings tested on beta 1.8.1-2b

  1. Kanban unable scroll
  2. Export with delete function, the delete page stuck so long.
  3. Click export button instantly appeared due to my obsidian 30GB++ while 1.8.01 load after few minutes.
  4. When exporting my too many pages. it appeared below page. image
KosmosisDire commented 2 months ago

Can you check your memory usage in the task manager? Most likely obsidian is running out of memory or something

KosmosisDire commented 2 months ago

With such a huge vault there is only so much I can do to support it, but I do plan on experimenting with it exporting chunks at a time to reduce memory usage

roytoh commented 2 months ago

I just tried 1.8.1-2b to export in chunk. It works but when my files goes big, it crash.


I think the solution available currently is either below option.

  1. Split my vault into multiple vault
  2. Get bigger RAM