KosmosisDire / obsidian-webpage-export

Export html from single files, canvas pages, or whole vaults. Direct access to the exported HTML files allows you to publish your digital garden anywhere. Focuses on flexibility, features, and style parity.
MIT License
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[Bug]: Dataview LIST do not render correctly #470

Open tdaron opened 2 months ago

tdaron commented 2 months ago

What happened?

LIST date
WHERE date

is not rendered correctly.

I can try to fix it myself, but i thought you might be faster than me if it's trivial to fix :)


Simply create a vault with two files, one with a file containing

LIST date
WHERE date

And the other containing

date: 2024-10-20

The export will show this: (missing a link to the list item)


Instead of



Last Working Version

No response



Operating System

Linux (Endavour OS)

Obsidian Version

Installer: 1.5.8 - Current: 1.6.5

Which browsers can you reproduce this in?


Relevant log output

[WARNING]   Creating an RSS feed requires a site url to be set in the export settings.
[INFO]  Closing render window

    settingsVersion --------- 1.8.01
    makeOfflineCompatible     false
    inlineAssets ------------ false
    includePluginCSS          1 plugins included
    includeSvelteCSS -------- true
    titleProperty             title
    customHeadContentPath ---
    documentWidth ----------- 40em
    sidebarWidth              20em
    minOutlineCollapse ------ 2
    startOutlineCollapsed     false
    allowFoldingHeadings ---- true
    allowFoldingLists         true
    allowResizingSidebars --- true
    logLevel                  warning
    minifyHTML -------------- true
    makeNamesWebStyle         true
    onlyExportModified ------ true
    deleteOldFiles            true
    addThemeToggle ---------- true
    addOutline                true
    addFileNav -------------- true
    addSearchBar              true
    addGraphView ------------ true
    addTitle                  true
    addRSSFeed -------------- true
    authorName --------------
    vaultTitle                test
    exportPreset ------------ website
    openAfterExport           false
    graphAttractionForce ---- 1
    graphLinkLength           10
    graphRepulsionForce ----- 150
    graphCentralForce         3
    graphEdgePruning -------- 100
    graphMinNodeSize          3
    graphMaxNodeSize -------- 7
    showDefaultTreeIcons      false
    emojiStyle -------------- Native
    defaultFileIcon           lucide//file
    defaultFolderIcon ------- lucide//folder
    defaultMediaIcon          lucide//file-image
    exportPath -------------- /tmp/t
    filesToExport             0

Enabled Plugins:
    Webpage HTML Export

Additional Info

No response

KosmosisDire commented 2 months ago

Thanks, this is very similar to some other issues that have already been reported, but I will try to reproduce it with the instructions you gave


KosmosisDire commented 3 weeks ago

Hey, I just released a beta version that might fix this. If you could try it out and let me know if his issue is fixed and if you find any other issues. There are instructions for installing the beta in the readme :) Thanks!