KosmosisDire / obsidian-webpage-export

Export html from single files, canvas pages, or whole vaults. Direct access to the exported HTML files allows you to publish your digital garden anywhere. Focuses on flexibility, features, and style parity.
MIT License
789 stars 67 forks source link

[Bug] [1.8.01]: Callout Icons not rendering correctly #479

Open ViewPointGames opened 1 month ago

ViewPointGames commented 1 month ago

What happened?

After an export, in a special circumstance the icons of callouts do not render properly. The specific case occurs when having callouts inside of embedded header blocks. When the callouts are viewed directly, everything looks fine.


  1. Create a file with several callouts. Better results occur when nesting them.
  2. Each top level callout gets its own header. I dont know if the issue occurs when using block embedding as well.
  3. Create a second file that embeds each header.
  4. Export vault.
  5. See screenshots: Working direct callouts file: image Embedded callouts file: image

Last Working Version

No response



Operating System

Windows 11

Obsidian Version


Which browsers can you reproduce this in?

No response

Relevant log output

[WARNING]   No existing export metadata found. All files will be exported.
[WARNING]   No existing search index found. All files will be exported.
[WARNING]   No existing RSS feed found. All files will be exported.
[INFO]  Using "astrae" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "glyphen" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "artefakte nutzen" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "einleitung" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "aktivierung" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "flüche austeilen" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "riten weben" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "runenarten" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "biestformen erstellen" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "steckbrief" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "relative größe" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "aufbau" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "ambush" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "aufkommen" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "aufkommen" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "aufkommen" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "aufkommen" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "aufkommen" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "aufkommen" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "aufkommen" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "aufkommen" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "aufkommen" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "aufkommen" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "aufkommen" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "aufkommen" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "aufkommen" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "aufkommen" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "aufkommen" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "aufkommen" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "aufkommen" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "aufkommen" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "aufkommen" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "nach dem bewaffneten konflikt" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "tektonische platten" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "prä-arcana" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "folia & ambulia" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "gebiet" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "yuntis" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "gebiet" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "physikalische gesetze" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "ideen" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "cabin in the woods" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "thaetia wache" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Using "willkommen bei cogent artifice!" header as title because it was H1 at the top of the page
[INFO]  Closing render window

    settingsVersion --------- 1.8.01
    makeOfflineCompatible     false
    inlineAssets ------------ false
    includePluginCSS          2 plugins included
    includeSvelteCSS -------- true
    titleProperty             title
    customHeadContentPath ---
    documentWidth ----------- 40em
    sidebarWidth              20em
    minOutlineCollapse ------ 2
    startOutlineCollapsed     false
    allowFoldingHeadings ---- true
    allowFoldingLists         true
    allowResizingSidebars --- true
    logLevel                  all
    minifyHTML -------------- false
    makeNamesWebStyle         true
    onlyExportModified ------ false
    deleteOldFiles            false
    addThemeToggle ---------- true
    addOutline                true
    addFileNav -------------- true
    addSearchBar              true
    addGraphView ------------ true
    addTitle                  true
    addRSSFeed -------------- true
    siteURL                   https://viewpointgames.github.io/
    authorName -------------- Viewpoint Games
    vaultTitle                Cogent_Artifice
    exportPreset ------------ website
    openAfterExport           false
    graphAttractionForce ---- 1
    graphLinkLength           10
    graphRepulsionForce ----- 150
    graphCentralForce         3
    graphEdgePruning -------- 100
    graphMinNodeSize          3
    graphMaxNodeSize -------- 7
    showDefaultTreeIcons      true
    emojiStyle -------------- Native
    defaultFileIcon           lucide//file
    defaultFolderIcon ------- lucide//folder
    defaultMediaIcon          lucide//file-image
    exportPath -------------- D:\\Data\\ViewPoint Projects\\cogent_artifice_module
    filesToExport             15

Enabled Plugins:
    Import/Export TiddlyWiki
    Webpage HTML Export

Additional Info

image image

KosmosisDire commented 1 month ago

Interesting, I will see if I can reproduce and fix this :)

ViewPointGames commented 3 weeks ago

Ty, I can send you the md source if you need it as well

KosmosisDire commented 3 weeks ago

That would be helpful if you have it

ViewPointGames commented 3 weeks ago

Callout source md:

`> [!summary]- Ein Händler auf Reise

[!info] Zusammenfassung Ein einzelner stark abgenutzter Händlerwagen zieht in Begleitung mehrerer Wachen über den Weg Richtung Quinnboc.

[!faq]- Den Wagen untersuchen Näheres Hinsehen -> der Wagen ist bis oben hin vollgestopft mit Waren

[!danger]- Ware ansehen Ein Versuch, die Ware genau zu betrachten, wird von den Wachen vereitelt und endet mit einer Verwarnung Sollte der Charakter es weiter versuchen, werden die Wachen aggressiv

[!warning]- Wache Statblock ![[Generische NPC#Thaetia Wache]]

[!todo]- [[_Regelwerk/Cogent Artifice/Character Sheet#Influence - Einfluss|Influence]] CL3: Den Händler befragen

[!success]- Der Fahrer nennt Quinnboc als Reiseziel und erntet einen bösen Blick des nebenstehenden Mannes, woraufhin jener verstummt und nichts weiter verrät

[!failure]- Der Fahrer verweigert jegliche Auskunft

[!todo]- [[_Regelwerk/Cogent Artifice/Character Sheet#Perception - Wahrnehmung|Perception]] CL3: Die Wachen mustern

[!success]- Dem Charakter fällt auf, dass die Rüstung der Eskorte rundherum nicht so wirklich passt, zB einer der Helme ist etwas zu groß, ein Riemen sitzt etwas eng.

[!failure]- Dem Charakter fällt absolut nichts an der Eskorte auf, erntet allerdings eine aggressivere Haltung der Eskorte durch den starrenden Blick. ^einHaendlerAufReise

[!summary]- Ein Flyer aus Quinnboc

[!info] Zusammenfassung Beim Rückkehr in die [[Arcademia Armenárde]] wird ein Flyer im Innenhof gefunden, der für eine Tiershow in Quinnboc wirbt. Angeblich sollen dort auch exostischere Tiere gezeigt und vorgeführt werden. ^einFlyerAusQuinnboc `


![[Abenteuer/Der Putsch in Quinnboc/Zusammenfassung#^einHaendlerAufReise]]

This is just the first callout as example of how I use these blocks, ofc the screenshots have more of them from the full file