KostadinovShalon / UAVDetectionTrackingBenchmark

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MMTracking Modifications #3

Closed fcakyon closed 2 years ago

fcakyon commented 3 years ago


In your paper you mention: Marginal changes are required to the MMTracking toolbox to enable single stage detectors within Tracktor (as per 05/03/2021).

Are you going to open a PR to the original repo with your changes, or do you have any plans to release your edited version of mmtracking?

KostadinovShalon commented 3 years ago

@MattPoyser could you check on this?

MattPoyser commented 3 years ago

We can likely release the edited version of tracking after some further testing and improvements. Of course, the authors of mmtracking may release a more comprehensive framework imminently, so keep a look out on both.