Kotaimen / maps-Brick

A Mason's Brick - High Quality OSM Street & Terrain Map
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Tunnel Style Selection #7

Closed Kotaimen closed 10 years ago

Kotaimen commented 11 years ago

Currently railway tunnels are rendered as semi-transparent, which is fine, however, highway tunnels are very hard to do it right:

(Battery tunnel near Golden Gate Bridge)

Traditional Google Maps (aka the one before Map/WebGL). Uses transparent inline with solid casing: image

WebGL Google Maps. Uses transparent inline with solid casing, but not composing is not per-feature, since there is no overlapping transparent area, plus there is a bug: image

Mapbox. Using transparent inline with dashed casing, somewhat confusing with the "purposed tunnel" because "purposed" also uses dash style. image

Brick MK6: image

Brick MK7 (TBD): image



Kotaimen commented 10 years ago

Tunnel style is now finally properly implemented in feature/mapnik2.3 branch:


This is Google WebGL in 2014, tunnel line-cap is changed to round:

