instrument_tokens = [{"instrument_token": "65500", "exchange_segment": "NFO"}]
# quote_type can be market_depth, ohlc, ltp, 52w, circuit_limits, scrip_details
# By Default quote_type is set as None that means you will get the complete data.
# Quotes api can be accessed without completing login by passing session_token, sid and server_id
quotes = client.quotes(instrument_tokens=instrument_tokens, quote_type="LTP", isIndex=False)
instrument_token is off NIFTY22DECFUT
AFTER FIVE minutes this output came
[OnClose]: Function is running HSWebsocket 1000
instrument_token is off NIFTY22DECFUT AFTER FIVE minutes this output came
[OnClose]: Function is running HSWebsocket 1000