Kotak-Neo / kotak-neo-api

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Client OrderID already exists #150

Closed APItrad closed 3 months ago

APItrad commented 3 months ago

{'stat': 'Not_Ok', 'errMsg': 'Put Order Response : Client OrderID already exists', 'tid': 'server5_526372', 'stCode': 5204} even after i cancel the order it still prompts this response. not able to place multiple orders. this code works only once a day. orderRes= client.place_order(exchange_segment='nse_fo', product='MIS', price='1', order_type='L', quantity='1800', validity='DAY', trading_symbol='BANKNIFTY2432046400CE', transaction_type='B', amo="NO", disclosed_quantity="0", market_protection="0", pf="N", trigger_price="0", tag='Umang') orderRes

APItrad commented 3 months ago


abimk9 commented 3 months ago

Possibly because you are using same tag for the orders placed in same day. Try removing the tag or keep it unique in every order placed via API

APItrad commented 3 months ago

Its working now.