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expiry date in script master #30

Closed conquistadorjd closed 11 months ago

conquistadorjd commented 11 months ago

Hello, can you please confirm which column from scrip master is to be used as expiry date ? e.g. if I look at script master file: https://lapi.kotaksecurities.com/wso2-scripmaster/v1/prod/2023-08-04/transformed/nse_fo.csv There is column "lExpiryDate " however if seems to be in EPOCH format, however if I convert from epoch to date time, day and month is correct but year is 2013. e.g. for pTrdSymbol = NIFTY2381017850CE, lExpiryDate is 1376145000. This converted to normal date is Saturday, August 10, 2013 8:00:00 PM GMT+05:30

If check if there is an issue with epoch date from your side or this date is in any different format ?

Kotak-Neo commented 11 months ago

Hi, the expiry time in the scrip master files is -10years, these files are directly fetched from the exchange, and no changes are made; that's why it is like this :)

conquistadorjd commented 11 months ago

also strike price is multiplied by 100, is it also fetched from exchange like this ?