KotatsuApp / Kotatsu

Manga reader for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.18k stars 144 forks source link

cannot get relative url for href:"" #912

Closed Zeyphrin closed 1 month ago

Zeyphrin commented 1 month ago

Brief summary

so, i change the domain from "doujindesu.cfd" to "doujindesu.tv" because when i use "doujindesu.cfd" it appear the manga but when i open it, the chapter is empty, and i try to change the domain because its the right domain, but when i change the domain it looks like this WhatsApp Image 2024-05-29 at 20 06 32 it calls the genre but not the manga itself, can anyone fix this? thanks!

Steps to reproduce

  1. i change the domain from "doujindesu.cfd" to "doujindesu.tv"
  2. and it look like this after that WhatsApp Image 2024-05-29 at 20 06 32

Kotatsu version


Android version



Realme 3


ztimms73 commented 1 month ago

This is not an issue with a specific manga source. Otherwise, you have to open an issue in the parsers repository.