Kotlin / KEEP

Kotlin Evolution and Enhancement Process
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Peek operation for sequences and iterables #47

Closed ilya-g closed 7 years ago

ilya-g commented 7 years ago

Discussions about the onEach operation for sequences and iterables will be held here.

ilya-g commented 7 years ago

Do we need peek for Iterables at all? Some counter-arguments:

JakeWharton commented 7 years ago

I like the name onEach as a complement to forEach since it further implies that this is purely used as a side-effect operation in the stream/chain.

ilya-g commented 7 years ago

Should peek delegate to map for Sequences?

We plan to make some optimizations of map operation for sequences, it would be beneficial if peek could exploit those optimizations without having to reimplement them.

To implement peek with map we have to wrap the operation in the following lambda: { operation(it); it }

We could either inline the operation in that lambda or not. The performance consequences of that options should be studied for both cases: when the operation is specified as a lambda itself peek { println(it) }, or passed as a functional type peek(operation).

cbruegg commented 7 years ago

Peek for Iterables

can be expressed with apply { forEach { ... } }

Another con: It creates another nested layer of curly braces and thus more indentation in many cases.

intermediate operations on Iterable usually copy the source collection, it may be hard to tell what would be the behavior of peek

I have to agree here - the behavior definitely differs from Sequence.peek and could cause misunderstanding.

sequenceOf(1, 2).peek { println(it * 2) }.forEach { println(it) } would yield



listOf(1, 2).peek { println(it * 2) }.forEach { println(it) } would yield


can be confused with Queue.peek()

That would be sorted out by renaming peek to onEach - perhaps only Iterable.peek -> Iterable.onEach, but not Sequence.peek -> Sequence.onEach, to reflect the differences in behavior. A downside would be decreased discoverability.


The performance consequences of that options should be studied for both cases

Unfortunately I don't have much experience with this, especially since there may be differences between various VM implementations like ART, Dalvik and the JVM due to the JITs.

ilya-g commented 7 years ago

That would be sorted out by renaming peek to onEach - perhaps only Iterable.peek -> Iterable.onEach, but not Sequence.peek -> Sequence.onEach, to reflect the differences in behavior. A downside would be decreased discoverability.

The difference in evaluation order is not an issue, the same difference is observed if you change peek to map for example. After some contemplation I think onEach is a good name both for Iterable and Sequence.

ilya-g commented 7 years ago

I believe it's the time to implement a prototype. You can either craft it as a pull request to the kotlin standard library if you're familiar with stdlib code generator or write manually in any other repository.

ilya-g commented 7 years ago

Some implementation notes:

cbruegg commented 7 years ago

If I understood the DSL correctly, something like this should work. Ant kept crashing for me and I'm getting Could not find artifact org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-maven-plugin:pom:1.1-SNAPSHOT when executing the maven goal compile exec:java on the generator, so unfortunately I wasn't able to test it.

matklad commented 7 years ago

peek is a really confusing name imo, because peek as "look at the next element, but don't call next" also makes sense for iterators. Rust uses the name inspect for this function, I think it is a good choice.

ilya-g commented 7 years ago

@cbruegg not quite right, but ok for starting point. I've elaborated those templates a bit, it required to improve the DSL to support such non-trivial constraints on generic receiver.

The result is available in rr/stdlib/oneach branch. Could you check it out and try it with some tests?

cbruegg commented 7 years ago

@ilya-g Sorry for the late response and thanks for fixing the template. I've had a look at the generated code and tried it out with some tests and everything seems to work as expected. I really like how we were able to implement this using map and apply, which makes the generated code easily verifiable for correctness.

Personally, I think this looks pretty much complete.

ilya-g commented 7 years ago

Since we'd like to avoid inflating method count in stdlib, we're going not to provide onEach for arrays. Otherwise, all looks good and we'll merge rr/stdlib/oneach branch soon.

cbruegg commented 7 years ago

Great, thank you for having worked on this! It's always great to see that JetBrains is really listening to feedback.

elect86 commented 4 years ago

What about onEachIndexed?

haug-den-lucas commented 4 years ago

Wanted to reask, what is about onEachIndexed?

ilya-g commented 4 years ago

I think that onEachIndexed can be useful. Could you provide some motivating examples for this function?