Kotlin / dokka

API documentation engine for Kotlin
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Inconsistent documentation inheritance behavior #1822

Open owengray-google opened 3 years ago

owengray-google commented 3 years ago

Dokka's kotlin documentation inheritance behavior is currently inconsistent.

Java's documentation inheritance behavior is (https://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/tools/solaris/javadoc.html):

Algorithm for Inheriting Method Comments - If a method does not have a doc comment, or has an {@inheritDoc} tag, the Javadoc tool searches for an applicable comment using the following algorithm, which is designed to find the most specific applicable doc comment, giving preference to interfaces over superclasses:

  1. Look in each directly implemented (or extended) interface in the order they appear following the word implements (or extends) in the method declaration. Use the first doc comment found for this method.
  2. If step 1 failed to find a doc comment, recursively apply this entire algorithm to each directly implemented (or extended) interface, in the same order they were examined in step 1.
  3. If step 2 failed to find a doc comment and this is a class other than Object (not an interface):
    • 3a. If the superclass has a doc comment for this method, use it.
    • 3b. If step 3a failed to find a doc comment, recursively apply this entire algorithm to the superclass.

{@inheritDoc} Inherits (copies) documentation from the "nearest" inheritable class or implementable interface into the current doc comment at this tag's location. This allows you to write more general comments higher up the inheritance tree, and to write around the copied text. This tag is valid only in these places in a doc comment:

  • In the main description block of a method. In this case, the main description is copied from a class or interface up the hierarchy.
  • In the text arguments of the @return, @param and @throws tags of a method. In this case, the tag text is copied from the corresponding tag up the hierarchy.
  • See Automatic Copying of Method Comments for a more precise description of how comments are found in the inheritance hierarchy. Note that if this tag is missing, the comment is or is not automatically inherited according to rules described in that section.

Kotlin-specific cases:

Some related tests:

// TODO: patch upstream dokka to support kotlin inherit docs b/184361891
    @Test // TODO: add tests and support for kotlin inheriting from java and vice versa
    fun `Class component inherits docs from same language in 4x Kotlin and Java`() {
        val pagesK = """
            | /** docs for foo */
            |class foo() {
            |    /** dew it */
            |    fun doit() {}
            |    /** thunderous applause */
            |    open val democracy = false
            |class bar() : foo {
            |    override fun doit() {}
            |    override val democracy = true
            | /** overriding docs for baz */
            |class baz() : foo {
            |    /** overriding function docs */
            |    override fun doit() {}
            |    /** KotOR */
            |    override val democracy = true
        val pagesJ = """
            |public class foo() {
            |    /** dew it */
            |    public void doit() {}
            |public class bar() extends foo {
            |    /** {@inheritdoc} */
            |    override public void doit() {}
            |public class baz() extends foo {
            |    /** overriding function docs */
            |    override public void doit() {}
        """.render(java = true) // Java {@inheritdoc} does not support classes & properties
        for (pages in listOf(pagesK, pagesJ)) {
            val fooClass = pages.page("foo").content<Classlike>()
            val barClass = pages.page("bar").content<Classlike>()
            val bazClass = pages.page("baz").content<Classlike>()

            // Function description inheritance does not work properly
            val fooDoit = fooClass.methodSymbols().first.items().single()
            val fooDoitDocs = fooDoit.summary().data.description.text()
            val barDoit = barClass.methodSymbols().first.items().single()
            val barDoitDocs = barDoit.summary().data.description.text()
            val bazDoit = bazClass.methodSymbols().first.items().single()
            val bazDoitDocs = bazDoit.summary().data.description.text()

            assertThat(fooDoitDocs).isEqualTo("dew it")
            // assertThat(barDoitDocs).isEqualTo("dew it")
            // assertThat(bazDoitDocs).isEqualTo("overriding function docs")

            if (pages == pagesK) {
                // overriding class docs is maybe something we want in kotlin, but is not jdoc spec
                val fooDescription = (fooClass.data.description.first() as Description)
                val barDescription = (barClass.data.description.first() as Description)
                val bazDescription = (bazClass.data.description.first() as Description)
                assertThat(fooDescription.text()).isEqualTo("docs for foo")
                // assertThat(barDescription.text()).isEqualTo("docs for foo")
                assertThat(bazDescription.text()).isEqualTo("overriding docs for baz")

                // overriding properties is kotlin-only, and working
                val fooDemocracy = fooClass.propertySymbols().first.items().single().summary()
                assertThat(fooDemocracy.data.description.text()).isEqualTo("thunderous applause")
                val barDemocracy = barClass.propertySymbols().first.items().single().summary()
                assertThat(barDemocracy.data.description.text()).isEqualTo("thunderous applause")
                val bazDemocracy = bazClass.propertySymbols().first.items().single().summary()

@Ignore // TODO: patch upstream dokka to implement kotlin documentation inheritance b/184361891
    @Test // TODO: add @constructor doc inheritance tests once that is implemented
    fun `Property parameter documentation inherits properly`() {
        val pages = """
            | * @param param1 param1_docs
            | * @property property1 property1_docs
            | */
            |class supclaz(val param1: String, val property1: Int) {}
            | * @param param2 param2_docs
            | * @property property2 property2_docs
            | */
            |interface interfaz(val param2: String, val property2: Int) {}
            | * @param param3 param3_docs
            | * @property property3 property3_docs
            | */
            |sealed class sealclaz(internal val param3: String, protected val property3: Int) {}
            |class foo(param1: String, property1: Int, param2: String, property2: Int): supclaz(param1, property1), interfaz(param2, property2)
            | * @param param1 override_param1_docs
            | * @param param2 override_param2_docs
            | * @property property1 override_property1_docs
            | * @property property2 override_property2_docs
            | */
            |class baz(param1: String, property1: Int, param2: String, property2: Int): supclaz(param1, property1), interfaz(param2, property2)
            |class bar(param3: String, property3: Int): sealclaz(param3, property3)
        val fooClass = pages.page("foo").content<Classlike>()
        val pparam1docs = fooClass.propertySymbol("param1").description()
        val pparam2docs = fooClass.propertySymbol("param2").description()
        val prop1docs = fooClass.propertySymbol("property1").description()
        val prop2docs = fooClass.propertySymbol("property2").description()
        val param1docs = ((fooClass.symbolsFor("Public constructors").second
            .symbols.single() as SymbolDetail).data.metadata[1] as SummaryList)
            .items().single { it.name() == "param1" }.description()
        val param2docs = ((fooClass.symbolsFor("Public constructors").second
            .symbols.single() as SymbolDetail).data.metadata[1] as SummaryList)
            .items().single { it.name() == "param2" }.description()
        val bazClass = pages.page("baz").content<Classlike>()
        val zpparam1docs = bazClass.propertySymbol("param1").description()
        val zpparam2docs = bazClass.propertySymbol("param2").description()
        val zprop1docs = bazClass.propertySymbol("property1").description()
        val zprop2docs = bazClass.propertySymbol("property2").description()
        val zparam1docs = ((bazClass.symbolsFor("Public constructors").second
            .symbols.single() as SymbolDetail).data.metadata[1] as SummaryList)
            .items().single { it.name() == "param1" }.description()
        val zparam2docs = ((bazClass.symbolsFor("Public constructors").second
            .symbols.single() as SymbolDetail).data.metadata[1] as SummaryList)
            .items().single { it.name() == "param2" }.description()
        val barClass = pages.page("bar").content<Classlike>()
        // TODO: patch upstream? dokka to support inheriting documentation on hidden components
        val pparam3docs = barClass.propertySymbol("param3").description()
        val prop3docs = barClass.propertySymbol("property3").description()
        val param3docs = ((barClass.symbolsFor("Public constructors").second
            .symbols.single() as SymbolDetail).data.metadata[1] as SummaryList)
            .items().single { it.name() == "param3" }.description()

To Reproduce/Dokka configuration Google dokka-devsite plugin Dokka version: 1.4.30-dev-75

Additional context

Perhaps correctly functioning behavior that probably should not be disrupted: level-skipping doc inheritance

    @Test // TODO: add tests and support for language-interleaving inheritance hierarchies
    fun `Level-jumping doc inheritance works in 4x Kotlin and Java`() {
        val pageK = """
            | /** docs for foo */
            |class foo() {
            |    /** dew it */
            |    fun doit() {}
            |class bar() : foo {}
            | /** overriding docs for baz */
            |class baz() : bar {
            |    override fun doit() {}
        val pageJ = """
            | /** docs for foo */
            |public class foo() {
            |    /** dew it */
            |    public void doit() {}
            |public class bar() extends foo {}
            | /** overriding docs for baz */
            |public class baz() extends bar {
            |    /** {@inheritdoc} */
            |    override public void doit() {}
        """.render(java = true).page("baz")
        for (page in listOf(pageJ, pageK)) {
            val doit = page.content<Classlike>().methodSymbols().first.items().single()
            assertThat(doit.summary().data.description.text()).isEqualTo("dew it")
owengray-google commented 3 years ago

The part that is inconsistent in particular is that // assertThat(bazDoitDocs).isEqualTo("overriding function docs") in the first test must be commented out or it fails.