Kotlin / dukat

Converter of <any kind of declarations> to Kotlin external declarations
548 stars 44 forks source link

Multiple issues with `typescript:4.3.5` library generated Kotlin #469

Open aSemy opened 2 years ago

aSemy commented 2 years ago

🕗 Version

What version did you use when the problem occurred? P.S. You need to run dukat -v to get your current local version of the tool

How can I run dukat -v? I'm using Gradle 7.2, Kotlin 1.5.31.

plugins {
  kotlin("multiplatform") version "1.5.31"

💻 Code or Package Name

implementation(npm("typescript", "~4.3.5", generateExternals = false))

🙁 Actual behaviour

I'd like to use the typed-factorio package. But it depends on Typescript, and generating Kotlin code for that fails... which is really bizarre.

I run this command to generate the Kotlin code.

gradle jsGenerateExternals

There are too many problems to go through really. I'm very confused because I thought the point of Dukat was to generate Kotlin code from Typescript, but it doesn't even work for the actual Typescript library.

Main problems

  1. Enums are used as generic types. SyntaxKind is an enum class, SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken is a specific enum.
    external interface NamedTupleMember : TypeNode, JSDocContainer, Declaration {
    val dotDotDotToken: Token<SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken>? // Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
    get() = definedExternally
    val name: Identifier
    val questionToken: Token<SyntaxKind.QuestionToken>?
    get() = definedExternally
    val type: TypeNode
    typealias AsteriskToken = PunctuationToken<SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken> // Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
  2. Multiple methods with the same signature are created
    fun updateModuleDeclaration(node: ModuleDeclaration, decorators: Array<Decorator>?, modifiers: Array<Any /* AbstractKeyword | AsyncKeyword | ConstKeyword | DeclareKeyword | DefaultKeyword | ExportKeyword | PrivateKeyword | ProtectedKeyword | PublicKeyword | OverrideKeyword | ReadonlyKeyword | StaticKeyword */>?, name: Identifier, body: ModuleBlock?): ModuleDeclaration
    fun updateModuleDeclaration(node: ModuleDeclaration, decorators: Array<Decorator>?, modifiers: Array<Any /* AbstractKeyword | AsyncKeyword | ConstKeyword | DeclareKeyword | DefaultKeyword | ExportKeyword | PrivateKeyword | ProtectedKeyword | PublicKeyword | OverrideKeyword | ReadonlyKeyword | StaticKeyword */>?, name: Identifier, body: NamespaceDeclaration?): ModuleDeclaration
    fun updateModuleDeclaration(node: ModuleDeclaration, decorators: Array<Decorator>?, modifiers: Array<Any /* AbstractKeyword | AsyncKeyword | ConstKeyword | DeclareKeyword | DefaultKeyword | ExportKeyword | PrivateKeyword | ProtectedKeyword | PublicKeyword | OverrideKeyword | ReadonlyKeyword | StaticKeyword */>?, name: Identifier, body: Identifier?): ModuleDeclaration
    fun updateModuleDeclaration(node: ModuleDeclaration, decorators: Array<Decorator>?, modifiers: Array<Any /* AbstractKeyword | AsyncKeyword | ConstKeyword | DeclareKeyword | DefaultKeyword | ExportKeyword | PrivateKeyword | ProtectedKeyword | PublicKeyword | OverrideKeyword | ReadonlyKeyword | StaticKeyword */>?, name: Identifier, body: JSDocNamespaceDeclaration?): ModuleDeclaration
    fun updateModuleDeclaration(node: ModuleDeclaration, decorators: Array<Decorator>?, modifiers: Array<Any /* AbstractKeyword | AsyncKeyword | ConstKeyword | DeclareKeyword | DefaultKeyword | ExportKeyword | PrivateKeyword | ProtectedKeyword | PublicKeyword | OverrideKeyword | ReadonlyKeyword | StaticKeyword */>?, name: StringLiteral, body: ModuleBlock?): ModuleDeclaration
    fun updateModuleDeclaration(node: ModuleDeclaration, decorators: Array<Decorator>?, modifiers: Array<Any /* AbstractKeyword | AsyncKeyword | ConstKeyword | DeclareKeyword | DefaultKeyword | ExportKeyword | PrivateKeyword | ProtectedKeyword | PublicKeyword | OverrideKeyword | ReadonlyKeyword | StaticKeyword */>?, name: StringLiteral, body: NamespaceDeclaration?): ModuleDeclaration
    fun updateModuleDeclaration(node: ModuleDeclaration, decorators: Array<Decorator>?, modifiers: Array<Any /* AbstractKeyword | AsyncKeyword | ConstKeyword | DeclareKeyword | DefaultKeyword | ExportKeyword | PrivateKeyword | ProtectedKeyword | PublicKeyword | OverrideKeyword | ReadonlyKeyword | StaticKeyword */>?, name: StringLiteral, body: Identifier?): ModuleDeclaration
    fun updateModuleDeclaration(node: ModuleDeclaration, decorators: Array<Decorator>?, modifiers: Array<Any /* AbstractKeyword | AsyncKeyword | ConstKeyword | DeclareKeyword | DefaultKeyword | ExportKeyword | PrivateKeyword | ProtectedKeyword | PublicKeyword | OverrideKeyword | ReadonlyKeyword | StaticKeyword */>?, name: StringLiteral, body: JSDocNamespaceDeclaration?): ModuleDeclaration

Because there's no documentation or examples I don't know how to resolve these problems.

18:51:26: Executing task 'assemble'...

Type-safe project accessors is an incubating feature.
> Task :wrapper

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 8.0.

You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.

See https://docs.gradle.org/7.2/userguide/command_line_interface.html#sec:command_line_warnings

1 actionable task: 1 executed
Type-safe project accessors is an incubating feature.
> Task :transformCommonMainDependenciesMetadata UP-TO-DATE
> Task :compileCommonMainKotlinMetadata NO-SOURCE
> Task :generateProjectStructureMetadata UP-TO-DATE
> Task :metadataCommonMainClasses UP-TO-DATE
> Task :allMetadataJar UP-TO-DATE
> Task :compileKotlinNative UP-TO-DATE
> Task :kotlinNpmCachesSetup
> Task :jsPackageJson UP-TO-DATE
> Task :kotlinNodeJsSetup SKIPPED
> Task :rootPackageJson UP-TO-DATE
> Task :kotlinNpmInstall UP-TO-DATE
> Task :jsGenerateExternalsIntegrated SKIPPED

> Task :compileKotlinJs FAILED

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 8.0.

You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.

See https://docs.gradle.org/7.2/userguide/command_line_interface.html#sec:command_line_warnings
9 actionable tasks: 2 executed, 7 up-to-date
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (24, 50): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (26, 56): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (28, 55): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (30, 58): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (32, 52): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (34, 53): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (36, 55): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (38, 64): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (40, 51): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (42, 52): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (44, 58): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (46, 52): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (48, 50): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (54, 54): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (56, 51): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (58, 51): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (60, 53): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (62, 53): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (64, 52): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (66, 53): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (68, 55): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (70, 52): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (72, 54): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (74, 54): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (76, 52): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\nonDeclarations.ts.kt: (84, 47): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (577, 52): Type argument is not within its bounds: should be subtype of 'SyntaxKind'
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (579, 48): Type argument is not within its bounds: should be subtype of 'SyntaxKind'
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (666, 24): Type of 'kind' is not a subtype of the overridden property 'public abstract val kind: SyntaxKind defined in ts.SignatureDeclarationBase'
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (672, 24): Type of 'kind' is not a subtype of the overridden property 'public abstract val kind: SyntaxKind defined in ts.SignatureDeclarationBase'
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (816, 24): Type of 'kind' is not a subtype of the overridden property 'public abstract val kind: SyntaxKind defined in ts.FunctionLikeDeclarationBase'
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (824, 24): Type of 'kind' is not a subtype of the overridden property 'public abstract val kind: SyntaxKind defined in ts.SignatureDeclarationBase'
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (832, 24): Type of 'kind' is not a subtype of the overridden property 'public abstract val kind: SyntaxKind defined in ts.FunctionLikeDeclarationBase'
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (841, 1): Class 'ConstructorDeclaration' must override public open val name: dynamic defined in ts.FunctionLikeDeclarationBase because it inherits multiple interface methods of it
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (842, 24): Type of 'kind' is not a subtype of the overridden property 'public abstract val kind: SyntaxKind defined in ts.FunctionLikeDeclarationBase'
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (855, 24): Type of 'kind' is not a subtype of the overridden property 'public abstract val kind: SyntaxKind defined in ts.FunctionLikeDeclarationBase'
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (867, 24): Type of 'kind' is not a subtype of the overridden property 'public abstract val kind: SyntaxKind defined in ts.FunctionLikeDeclarationBase'
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (879, 24): Type of 'kind' is not a subtype of the overridden property 'public abstract val kind: SyntaxKind defined in ts.SignatureDeclarationBase'
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (891, 24): Type of 'kind' is not a subtype of the overridden property 'public abstract val kind: SyntaxKind defined in ts.TypeNode'
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (955, 42): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (958, 41): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (1148, 24): Type of 'kind' is not a subtype of the overridden property 'public abstract val kind: SyntaxKind defined in ts.PrimaryExpression'
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (1155, 24): Type of 'kind' is not a subtype of the overridden property 'public abstract val kind: SyntaxKind defined in ts.Expression'
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (1423, 42): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (1588, 24): Type of 'kind' is not a subtype of the overridden property 'public abstract val kind: SyntaxKind defined in ts.DeclarationStatement'
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (1594, 24): Type of 'kind' is not a subtype of the overridden property 'public abstract val kind: SyntaxKind defined in ts.PrimaryExpression'
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (1814, 24): Type of 'kind' is not a subtype of the overridden property 'public abstract val kind: SyntaxKind defined in ts.JSDocType'
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (2060, 42): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (2153, 30): Type of 'statements' is not a subtype of the overridden property 'public abstract val statements: NodeArray<Statement> /* = Array<Statement> */ defined in ts.SourceFile'
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (2163, 24): Type of 'kind' is not a subtype of the overridden property 'public abstract val kind: SyntaxKind defined in ts.PrefixUnaryExpression'
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (2833, 26): Type of 'target' doesn't match the type of the overridden var-property 'public abstract var target: GenericType defined in ts.TypeReference'
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (3752, 39): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (3753, 39): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (3754, 39): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (3755, 39): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (3756, 39): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (3951, 53): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (3952, 53): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (3953, 53): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (4067, 58): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (4068, 58): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (4069, 58): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (4070, 58): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (4071, 58): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (4072, 58): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (4074, 80): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (4075, 80): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (4118, 53): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (4119, 53): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (4509, 48): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (4510, 48): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (4550, 89): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (5282, 78): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (5284, 78): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (5286, 78): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (5288, 78): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (5294, 79): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (5296, 79): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (5298, 79): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (5300, 79): Use of enum entry names as types is not allowed, use enum type instead
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (7363, 48): Unresolved reference: T
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (7363, 94): Unresolved reference: T
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (7396, 37): Unresolved reference: T
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (7396, 57): Unresolved reference: T
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (7450, 44): Unresolved reference: TKind
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (7450, 70): Unresolved reference: TKind
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (7994, 34): Unresolved reference: TKind
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (7994, 50): Unresolved reference: TKind
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (8138, 38): Unresolved reference: T
e: <project>\externals\typescript.ts.module_typescript.kt: (8138, 44): Unresolved reference: T

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':compileKotlinJs'.
> Compilation error. See log for more details

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at https://help.gradle.org

18:51:31: Task execution finished 'assemble'.

🙂 Expected behavior

  1. Documentation is updated to give clearer guidance on usage and expected output
  2. Additional examples
  3. What is the purpose of comments like this?
    /* AbstractKeyword | AsyncKeyword | ConstKeyword | DeclareKeyword | DefaultKeyword | ExportKeyword | PrivateKeyword | ProtectedKeyword | PublicKeyword | OverrideKeyword | ReadonlyKeyword | StaticKeyword */

    Are they important? Is it used by Kotlin/JS? Or is it just a comment?


iamstuffed commented 2 years ago

This probably is related: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-42290