Kotlin / kmp-production-sample

This is an open-source, mobile, cross-platform application built with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile. It's a simple RSS reader, and you can download it from the App Store and Google Play. It's been designed to demonstrate how KMM can be used in real production projects.
MIT License
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Exception serialization json with unknown keys #67

Closed AnD010 closed 1 year ago

AnD010 commented 1 year ago

I have in my kmm this

fun createJson() = Json { isLenient = true; ignoreUnknownKeys = true; prettyPrint = true;}

fun createHttpClient(httpClientEngine: HttpClientEngine, json: Json, enableNetworkLogs: Boolean) = HttpClient(httpClientEngine) {
    install(ContentNegotiation) {

    if (enableNetworkLogs) {
        install(Logging) {
            logger = Logger.DEFAULT
            level = LogLevel.ALL


I had define my model like this

data class ResourceResponse (

  @SerialName("Id"            ) var Id               : String?           = null,
  @SerialName("Titulo"        ) var Titulo           : String?           = null,
  @SerialName("Descripcion"   ) var Descripcion      : String?           = null,
  @SerialName("TipoRecurso"   ) var TipoRecurso      : Int?              = null,
  @SerialName("RecursoData"   ) var RecursoData      : String?           = null,
  @SerialName("UrlRecurso"    ) var UrlRecurso       : String?           = null,
  @SerialName("FileType"      ) var FileType         : String?           = null,
  @SerialName("FileName"      ) var FileName         : String?           = null,
  @SerialName("File"          ) var File             : String?           = null,
  @SerialName("DataSrc"       ) var DataSrc          : String?           = null,
  @SerialName("IdYoutube"     ) var IdYoutube        : String?           = null,
  @SerialName("IdTrabajadores") var IdTrabajadores   : ArrayList<String>? = null,

My backend team add new filed to json "IdCreador" is a String. I don´t need this field, therefore, I dont´add this field to my ResourceResponse object, I had define ignoreUnknownKeys = true but I get the following error

  kotlinx.serialization.json.internal.JsonDecodingException: Unexpected JSON token at offset 278: Encountered an unknown key 'IdCreador' at path: $[0].IdTrabajadores Use 'ignoreUnknownKeys = true' in 'Json {}' builder to ignore unknown keys.
 JSON input: .....":null,"IdTrabajadores":null,"IdCreador":null

my dependencies file defines the following

        val ktorVersion = "2.3.2"

I have tried to add it manually without using koin the dependency

    install(ContentNegotiation) {
        val json = Json {
            ignoreUnknownKeys = true

But the result is the same.... JsonDecodingException

pahill commented 1 year ago

Hi there - I assume this is your own code and not related to this sample?

May I ask that you please log a YouTrack issue for us for our support engineers to take a look at? That way they can involve you in any discussions easily.

You can create it using this link: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/newIssue. I would log it under Ktor.

Kindly also send me the link here and I'll keep an eye out for it.

Thanks so much!

pahill commented 1 year ago

If you have any issues with creating it, please let me know and I'll see how I can help further.

Thank you

AnD010 commented 1 year ago

Yes, I wrote to Ktor team. Thanks @pahill