Closed chpengzh closed 7 years ago
It seems there are some problems if name class with upper char when i do proguard task. code like this:
class Bind<T, V : View>(val id: Int, val rootView: View? = null,
val onClick: ((View) -> Unit)? = null,
val onLongClick: ((View) -> Boolean)? = null,
val init: ((V) -> Unit)? = null) : ReadOnlyProperty<T, V> {
override fun getValue(thisRef: T, property: KProperty<*>): V {
val injectView: V
if (rootView != null) injectView = rootView.findViewById(id) as V
else injectView = when (thisRef) {
is Activity -> thisRef.findViewById(id) as V
is Fragment -> throw BindResourceError(id, "unknown rootView")
is -> throw BindResourceError(id, "unknown rootView")
is RecyclerView.ViewHolder -> thisRef.itemView.findViewById(id) as V
is Dialog -> thisRef.findViewById(id) as V
is View -> thisRef.findViewById(id) as V
else -> throw BindResourceError(id, "unknown rootView")
if (onClick != null) injectView.setOnClickListener { onClick }
if (onLongClick != null) injectView.setOnLongClickListener { onLongClick.invoke(injectView) }
return injectView
class BindString<T>(id: Int, rootContext: Context? = null) : BindResource<T, String>(
id = id, rootContext = rootContext, getResource = { it.getString(id) })
class BindInt<T>(id: Int, rootContext: Context? = null) : BindResource<T, Int>(
id = id, rootContext = rootContext, getResource = { it.resources.getInteger(id) })
class BindStringArray<T>(id: Int, rootContext: Context? = null) : BindResource<T, Array<String>>(
id = id, rootContext = rootContext, getResource = { it.resources.getStringArray(id) })
open class BindResource<T, R>(val id: Int, val rootContext: Context? = null,
val getResource: (Context) -> R) : ReadOnlyProperty<T, R> {
override fun getValue(thisRef: T, property: KProperty<*>): R {
if (rootContext != null)
return getResource(rootContext)
return getResource(thisRef!!.getSupportedContext() ?:
throw BindResourceError(id, "unknown rootContext"))
fun Any.getSupportedContext(): Context? = when (this) {
is Context -> this
is View -> this.context
is Fragment -> this.context
is Dialog -> this.context
is RecyclerView.ViewHolder -> this.itemView.context
else -> null
class BindResourceError(id: Int, msg: String) : Exception("cant'bind resource $id for $msg")
and build with fail
Note: the configuration refers to the unknown class ''
Note: the configuration refers to the unknown class ''
Note: the configuration refers to the unknown class ''
Note: the configuration refers to the unknown class 'butterknife.InjectView'
Note: the configuration refers to the unknown class 'butterknife.InjectView'
Note: the configuration refers to the unknown class 'sun.misc.Unsafe'
Warning: butterknife.BindInt$1: can't find enclosing method 'BindInt(int,android.content.Context)' in program class butterknife.BindInt
Warning: butterknife.BindString$1: can't find enclosing method 'BindString(int,android.content.Context)' in program class butterknife.BindString
Note: can't find dynamically referenced class
Note: can't find dynamically referenced class
Note: can't find dynamically referenced class
Note: can't find dynamically referenced class
Note: can't find dynamically referenced class sun.misc.Unsafe
Note: com.loc.bx: can't find dynamically referenced class android.telephony.MSimTelephonyManager
Note: com.loc.bx: can't find dynamically referenced class android.telephony.TelephonyManager2
Note: can't find dynamically referenced class android.os.SystemProperties
Note: can't find dynamically referenced class android.os.SystemProperties
Note: com.squareup.picasso.Utils: can't find dynamically referenced class com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient
Note: com.xingdian.seeyou.ui.view.DragItemLayout: can't find dynamically referenced class$dimen
Note: io.agora.rtc.internal.Connectivity: can't find dynamically referenced class android.os.SystemProperties
Note: kotlin.jvm.internal.Reflection: can't find dynamically referenced class kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.ReflectionFactoryImpl
Note: okhttp3.internal.AndroidPlatform: can't find dynamically referenced class
Note: okhttp3.internal.AndroidPlatform: can't find dynamically referenced class org.apache.harmony.xnet.provider.jsse.SSLParametersImpl
Note: okhttp3.internal.Platform: can't find dynamically referenced class
Note: there were 6 references to unknown classes.
You should check your configuration for typos.
Note: there were 16 unresolved dynamic references to classes or interfaces.
You should check if you need to specify additional program jars.
Warning: there were 2 unresolved references to program class members.
Your input classes appear to be inconsistent.
You may need to recompile the code.
Warning: Exception while processing task Please correct the above warnings first.
:app:transformClassesAndResourcesWithProguardForDebug FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesAndResourcesWithProguardForDebug'.
> Please correct the above warnings first.
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
but if I change class name starting from lowercase(Bind
-> bind
, BindString
-> bindString
), it fuckly work!
@chpengzh did you resolve this issue?
yeap! ReadWriteProperty
and ReadOnlyProperty
implements class should be start with lowercase. But I just don't know why
I'd like to try kotlin in my project, but I just can't handle it for no proguard rules.