Kotlin / kotlin-frontend-plugin

Gradle Kotlin (http://kotlinlang.org) plugin for frontend development
Apache License 2.0
561 stars 69 forks source link

Support create-react-kotlin-app scripts #152

Open epool opened 5 years ago

epool commented 5 years ago

Since create-react-kotlin-app looks kinda stable and it's the easiest way to start a React/Kotlin project from scratch. The kotlin-frontend-plugin could support a basic React/Kotlin project generated by create-react-kotlin-app, in order to speed up the integration of a MPP project and the create-react-kotlin-app script and having the same/similar project structure from that script.

This way we could do things like npm start(from create-react-kotlin-app) => ./gradlew :jsApp:run(from kotlin-frontend-plugin) and work in sync with the same/similar commands through npm and gradle and take all the advantages of create-react-kotlin-app as npm build, npm start, npm eject, etc. and all the pre-configuration of webpack.