Kotlin / kotlin-spec

Kotlin Language Specification:
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Improve one of the examples and/or definitions of when exhaustiveness #114

Open FenstonSingel opened 2 years ago

FenstonSingel commented 2 years ago

Subsection 8.6.1 "Exhaustive when expressions" provides a following code example:

sealed interface I1
sealed interface I2
sealed interface I3

class D1 : I1, I2
class D2 : I1, I3

sealed class D3 : I1, I3

fun foo() {
    val b: I1 = mk()

    val c = when(a) {
        !is I3 -> {} // covers D1
        is D2 -> {} // covers D2
        // D3 is sealed and does not take part
        // in the exhaustiveness check

As there is no property a in scope to act as a subject value for the illustrated when-expression, the example is somewhat confusing.

The following correction for the probably-typo in question is suggested:

sealed interface I1
sealed interface I2
sealed interface I3

class D1 : I1, I2
class D2 : I1, I3

sealed class D3 : I1, I3

fun foo(a: I1) {
    val c = when (a) {
        !is I3 -> {} // covers D1
        is D2 -> {} // covers D2
        // D3 is sealed and does not take part
        // in the exhaustiveness check

However, there's more. If one applies the specification's definition of when exhaustiveness to this example, then, in order for D1 to be considered covered, the following conditions must be satisfied:

  1. I3 <: I1
  2. D1 </: I3
  3. there exists k such that k != 1 and Dk <: I3

There are no problems with either condition 2 or 3 (k == 2); however, condition 1 is seemingly not satisfied. The code itself compiles fine, so it seems to be a bug either in the implementation or in the specification.