Kotlin / kotlin-style-guide

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Lambda formatting #10

Open yole opened 8 years ago

yole commented 8 years ago

When possible, put lambdas on a single line, using it for single-parameter lambdas:

elements.dropWhile { it !is KDoc }

Don't use it in nested lambdas; always declare parameter names explicitly.

When declaring parameter names in a multiline lambda, put the names on the first line, followed by the arrow and the newline:

appendCommaSeparated(properties) { prop ->
    val propertyValue = prop.get(obj)  // ...
voddan commented 8 years ago

Simple collection operations inside nested lambdas are ok to use it in:

appendCommaSeparated(properties) { props ->
    props.map {it.name}
damianw commented 8 years ago

To improve readability, multiline single-argument lambdas should also always name the argument instead of using it, since it can become unclear in longer lambdas.

// Good
appendCommaSeparated(properties) { prop ->
  val propertyValue = prop.get(obj)  // ...

// Bad
appendCommaSeparated(properties) {
  val propertyValue = it.get(obj)  // ...
trevjonez commented 7 years ago

what about the case where the method has multiple function args like with RxJava's subscribe method?

someObservable.subscribe { next -> doThing(next) }
someObservable.subscribe({ next -> 
}) { error -> 
someObservable.subscribe({ next -> 
}, { error -> 
}) { 

Seems to me that once there are multiple lambda arguments, forcing the last one outside of the parenthesis may not be desirable?

someObservable.subscribe({ next ->
}, { error ->
}, { 
Zhuinden commented 5 years ago

@trevjonez I think at that point it is a better option to use named arguments without trailing lambdas, that way you don't confuse lambda order and keep it readable

trevjonez commented 5 years ago

I do think we both agree that we want to optimize for reading clarity.

Anymore I find I always put it inside parenthesis when a follow up call might look ambiguous as to what it operates on to those with less context of the code.

again with an rxjava usecase as an example.

someSingle().subscribe({ doThings(it) }) { error ->
  throw error
}.trackInMap(someMap, someKey)

is trackInMap operating on the lambda or on the result of subscribe?

Lets adjust the parens and see if it is more clear:

someSingle().subscribe({ doThings(it) }, { error ->
  throw error
}).trackInMap(someMap, someKey)

the compiler can solve it fine either way, but for us humans that parenthesis disambiguates with minimal mental effort.

Zhuinden commented 5 years ago

Hrmm to be a bit more specific, I think the best practice in this case is to wrap it with an extension function that allows you to use named arguments.

Just like RxKotlin does with subscribeBy.


Because now you can do

    onSuccess = { result -> doThings(result) },
    onError = { throwable -> 
        throw throwable

Now you definitely won't get confused about which lambda is for what.