Kotlin / kotlinx-atomicfu

The idiomatic way to use atomic operations in Kotlin
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Fix mavenTest dependency: removed direct dependency to the snapshot version #393

Closed mvicsokolova closed 4 months ago

mvicsokolova commented 4 months ago

mavenTest is supposed to check contents of atomicfu-jvm.jar. For that it depended on the snapshot version of atomicfu, that should've been published locally. This snapshot dependency broke community-plugin build (see https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/QA-1164/Atomicfu-integration-tests-fail-with-the-community-plugin), because resolution of the snapshot version happened before the artefact was published.

Replacement of snapshot dependency with project(":atomicfu") seems to solve the problem. According to the Gradle docs, project() should provide dependency to the artefact produced by the atomicfu project.

Fixes QA-1164