Kotlin / kotlinx-atomicfu

The idiomatic way to use atomic operations in Kotlin
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Get and apply atomicfu compiler plugin of Kotlin compiler version (not the KGP version) #408

Open mvicsokolova opened 3 months ago

mvicsokolova commented 3 months ago

KGP version may differ from the version of Kotlin compiler. In atomicfu-gradle-plugin we extract KGP version. And seems that the correct behaviour would be to extract the version of Kotlin compiler.

Moreover, kotlin.native.version may override the version of Kotlin native compiler, so for Native targets atomicfu compiler plugin should be applied with the corresponding version as well.

This task is not critical for now and is postponed until there is public API to obtain these versions: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-66384/Public-API-to-get-Kotlin-compiler-version