Kotlin / kotlinx-benchmark

Kotlin multiplatform benchmarking toolkit
Apache License 2.0
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CI jobs are failing due to missing dependency between publication tasks after #227 integration #237

Closed fzhinkin closed 2 months ago

fzhinkin commented 2 months ago

After #227 CI jobs are failing with following error message:

Step 1/1: Build and Test Mac OS X Binaries (Gradle)
  org.gradle.internal.execution.WorkValidationException: A problem was found with the configuration of task ':plugin:signPluginMavenPublication' (type 'Sign').
    - Gradle detected a problem with the following location: '/opt/buildAgent/work/ffc241641683f2f5/plugin/build/libs/kotlinx-benchmark-plugin-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar.asc'.

      Reason: Task ':plugin:publishBenchmarkPluginPluginMarkerMavenPublicationToBuildLocalRepository' uses this output of task ':plugin:signPluginMavenPublication' without declaring an explicit or implicit dependency. This can lead to incorrect results being produced, depending on what order the tasks are executed.

      Possible solutions:
        1. Declare task ':plugin:signPluginMavenPublication' as an input of ':plugin:publishBenchmarkPluginPluginMarkerMavenPublicationToBuildLocalRepository'.
        2. Declare an explicit dependency on ':plugin:signPluginMavenPublication' from ':plugin:publishBenchmarkPluginPluginMarkerMavenPublicationToBuildLocalRepository' using Task#dependsOn.
        3. Declare an explicit dependency on ':plugin:signPluginMavenPublication' from ':plugin:publishBenchmarkPluginPluginMarkerMavenPublicationToBuildLocalRepository' using Task#mustRunAfter.


fzhinkin commented 2 months ago

Unfortunately, we're not publishing CI jobs status to PRs as of now, so the issue was not noticed before the merge.

Rolling #227 back resolves the problem.

fzhinkin commented 2 months ago

@adam-enko PTAL

fzhinkin commented 2 months ago

Need to check, but the issue could be already addressed by https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.team.infra/pull/20 and all we need is to update infra plugin.