Kotlin / kotlinx-benchmark

Kotlin multiplatform benchmarking toolkit
Apache License 2.0
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Setup commitStatusPublisher to publish CI run results to PRs #241

Open fzhinkin opened 2 weeks ago

fzhinkin commented 2 weeks ago

Consider setting up kotlinx-team-infra's commitStatusPublisher to publish test results from CI to PRs.

Example: https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx-datetime/blob/bc8adee2b9e3659e8e1c38fc09f3a4a1bdf85276/.teamcity/additionalConfiguration.kt#L9

adam-enko commented 2 weeks ago

https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KTI-1878/Show-TeamCity-build-status-in-Kotlinx-Benchmark-GitHub-PRs (JetBrains internal)