Add an argument to the java application startup command -javaagent:=file:. Example of an application launch command java -jar application.jar -javaagent:/opt/kover-jvm-agent-0.8.3.jar=file:/tmp/agent.args.
Here is shown a wrong example. -javaagent parameter has to be stated before -jar.
So the example should possibly look like this: java -javaagent:/opt/kover-jvm-agent-0.8.3.jar=file:/tmp/agent.args -jar application.jar
In the variation presented in the guide, the agent does not connect and does not warn the user about it
I was reproducing the following guide:
Here is shown a wrong example. -javaagent parameter has to be stated before -jar.
So the example should possibly look like this:
java -javaagent:/opt/kover-jvm-agent-0.8.3.jar=file:/tmp/agent.args -jar application.jar
In the variation presented in the guide, the agent does not connect and does not warn the user about it