This is just a feature suggestion for IDEA relating to this library, and since this library was just announced, it's probably not until the far future.
It would be great if the IntelliJ debugger could "step into RPC": when you're stepping through an RPC client, and you reach the kotlinx.rpc method, "smart step into" would give you two choices:
Step into the library function, like normal,
Step into RPC, in which case IntelliJ would create a breakpoint on the server that is going to receive the RPC request you are making, such that as soon as the request goes through, the debugger on the other side stops and you can continue stepping through there.
This is just a feature suggestion for IDEA relating to this library, and since this library was just announced, it's probably not until the far future.
It would be great if the IntelliJ debugger could "step into RPC": when you're stepping through an RPC client, and you reach the kotlinx.rpc method, "smart step into" would give you two choices: