Kotlin / kotlinx-rpc

Add asynchronous RPC services to your multiplatform applications.
Apache License 2.0
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Problem to find targets for apple targets in 0.2.0 #122

Closed ShayOinif closed 3 days ago

ShayOinif commented 3 days ago

Hello. I've noticed that in your 0.2.0 release, most desired targets compile ok except apple targets. On inspection of your .module files in, let's say krpc-core (the multiplatform artifact) I see that there is a wrong relative path to apple artifact, for example:

"name": "iosSimulatorArm64MetadataElements-published", "attributes": { "org.gradle.category": "library", "org.gradle.usage": "kotlin-metadata", "org.jetbrains.kotlin.native.target": "ios_simulator_arm64", "org.jetbrains.kotlin.platform.type": "native" }, "available-at": { "url": "../../core-iossimulatorarm64/0.2.0/core-iossimulatorarm64-0.2.0.module", "group": "org.jetbrains.kotlinx", "module": "core-iossimulatorarm64", "version": "0.2.0" }

the url should be: "url": "../../kotlinx-rpc-core-iossimulatorarm64/0.2.0/kotlinx-rpc-core-iossimulatorarm64-0.2.0.module".

For other targets the url is correct.

This results in error when adding apple targets to kmp module since the desired artifacts are looked in wrong path..

Mr3zee commented 3 days ago

Hi! This was fixed here already https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx-rpc/issues/120

The official publication will contain proper metadata

ShayOinif commented 3 days ago

Oh, OK. Great. Simply used already published artifacts for 0.2.0. Thought it was an official publication.

Mr3zee commented 3 days ago

It should've been until I found this problem😅

ShayOinif commented 3 days ago

So you guys will add a release soon here in github or should I check once in a while your maven for when you publish new, correct artifacts?

Sorry for all the hassle, I simply really looking forward for this lib to work properly. Very excited about the concept and on how easily I could write a multiplatform project in one place, where interface is clear, type safe, and utilizes structured concurrency and flows.

It's the dream for me 🤘

Mr3zee commented 2 days ago

Yes, the release will soon appear in the Releases section on the github, and we will make a post in the Slack channel

Thank you for your kind feedback and questions, it is important to us!