Kotlin / kotlinx.html

Kotlin DSL for HTML
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Update the README and GitHub Releases for version 0.7.3 #185

Closed LouisCAD closed 7 months ago

LouisCAD commented 3 years ago

Hello, I noticed that there's a 0.7.3 version of kotlinx.html available on MavenCentral, but the source code and the README haven't been updated for it.

Can you address that please?

Thanks and have a great day!

chrisjenx commented 2 years ago

I think it's the same, just published to maven central as jcenter is defunct now.

3flex commented 2 years ago

It's not made as clear as it should be in the README, but Maven Central isn't the repo to use. See here: https://github.com/kotlin/kotlinx.html/wiki/Getting-started#gradle

The repo to use is https://maven.pkg.jetbrains.space/public/p/kotlinx-html/maven.

That has versions 0.7.2-0.7.5. But agree these should be tagged in GitHub with a changelog so we know what's changed.

LouisCAD commented 2 years ago

@e5l ?

e5l commented 2 years ago

Hey! The 0.7.3 is the same as the 0.7.2 release but republished to the maven central repository.

3flex commented 2 years ago

Thanks! And what about 0.7.4 (not on Maven Central) and 0.7.5 (which is)?

e5l commented 2 years ago

The 0.7.4 version has a publication issue and will be skipped. The 0.7.5 version is listed in releases and published