Kotlin / kotlinx.html

Kotlin DSL for HTML
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type safe inline css #31

Open StokeMasterJack opened 7 years ago

StokeMasterJack commented 7 years ago

When I use inline css in an html or jsp file, IntelliJ gives me nice syntax coloring and autocompletion: css-ide

Is there a type safe way to do inline css using kotlinx.html other than using a string? Or at least a way to get autocompletion and syntax coloring?

body {
    div {
        style = "background: yellow;border: solid thin blue"
StokeMasterJack commented 7 years ago

I would suggest looking at the jsxstyle project for inspiration.

cy6erGn0m commented 7 years ago

most likely we need to integrate one of existing css libraries

AfraidKnot commented 7 years ago

For the short term, IntelliJ has a built in "Inject Language or Reference" feature (https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/using-language-injections.html) that is helpful in this situation. In short, Press ALT-ENTER, select "Inject language or reference" then select CSS.

Miha-x64 commented 6 years ago

It would be cool for CSS classes to be real things on the level of Kotlin language, so unused classes will be grey in IDE and may be stripped, and used classes may be automatically renamed to have names consisting of 1-2 chars. I mean, DSL should not just repeat CSS itself, but add some extra safety, performance, etc.

StokeMasterJack commented 6 years ago

Also, GWT had this. Might be worth looking into that.

cy6erGn0m commented 6 years ago

Perhaps I can annotate all classes and style parameters however it will add corresponding annotations dependency

marshallpierce commented 6 years ago

I'm using https://github.com/olegcherr/Aza-Kotlin-CSS (via an unsafe block) and it works fine for me so far.

ScottPierce commented 5 years ago

Having this would dramatically increase the usability of kotlinx.html

ScottPierce commented 5 years ago

I tried several alternatives, including the above suggestion of a secondary css library, but I found all of the approaches lacking - primarily that I wanted to use an html library to keep my html code maintainable, but all my html code was ugly and difficult to read.

Over the past several weeks, I've created an alternative library, kotlin-html to add css, provide first-class support for ids, classes, and styles, and provide a simpler architecture so it was easier for people to contribute.

quickstep24 commented 4 years ago
inline fun Unsafe.css(@Language("CSS")css: String) = raw(css.trimIndent())
mgroth0 commented 2 years ago

@Language doesn't resolve for me. It does in jvm modules, but not in js modules.