Kotronon / Bachelor-Praktikum

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Task 1 ”Unit tests” #1

Closed Maracondaa closed 10 months ago

Maracondaa commented 10 months ago

Basis for the further development of the simulator will be that it is possible to test the functionality of components before they are completely integrated with the existing code. In the course of this project you will use googletest.

• Inform yourself about googletest and its integration into CMake. • Make yourself familiar with the concept of mocks and the difference of ASSERT vs EXPECT macros. • Include the latest version of googletest1 into your CMake project. Do not rely on system wide installed libraries and do not create extra installation steps for the user to perform manually. • Write at least one simple unit test for the particle container you created in sheet 1. The unit tests must be executable by running ctest (see man ctest). • In the following parts of the PSE always add new tests for the components you implement! • Always briefly state the idea of each test in a comment above it! E.g. : “Check correctness of force calculation against hand-calculated values”