Kotti / kotti_es

Kotti ElasticSearch implementation
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pyramid_es status #20

Open davidemoro opened 9 years ago

davidemoro commented 9 years ago

This package depends on a pyramid_es fork: https://github.com/truelab/pyramid_es It should be considered almost stable since it is already used on a heavy production site without any problem but it cannot be published until the changes will be merged with the original pyramid_es and releasedon PyPI.

Why? The original pyramid_es does not support models not pyramid_es aware: your models have to inherit from a pyramid_es mixin class so you cannot use pyramid_es as it is when your models already exist because they are part of an existing framework or third party released.

There are two possible ways: 1- [preferred] merge our fork into the original pyramid_es. We need the @storborg opinion! Link: https://github.com/storborg/pyramid_es/pull/8 2- fork pyramid_es and publish a custom renamed version

Option 1 is the preferred way obviously.