Kourtney-Burger / Inventree

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Array Inventory Update #10

Closed shannonrankin closed 1 year ago

shannonrankin commented 1 year ago

Click green 'Submit new issue' button below to activate issue check boxes. Select one of the check boxes then edit the issue by clicking the three dots at the top, select edit, and fill in the form following the directions for each question.

If information regarding additional inventory items needs to be updated, please fill out the associated issue template. This includes hydrophones not already associated with an array, recorders, GPS units, depth sensors, computers, and other miscellaneous items.

I'm submitting a …

Array Information

Array Name

Array Condition

- ### **Array Current Location and Contact**

If 'Needs Repair' or 'Other' was chosen above under 'Condition', explain here:

Hydrophone Information

Channel 1 Hydrophone

Channel 2 Hydrophone

Channel 3 Hydrophone

Channel 4 Hydrophone

Any Additional Information

- ### *Contact Kourtney Burger (kourtney.burger@noaa.gov) with any questions/comments related to this form or inventory*