Kovah / Taboo

A Taboo-like game for your browser, without a backend, built with Vue
MIT License
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How to change the words and language. #37

Open Sparkkkkie opened 2 years ago

Sparkkkkie commented 2 years ago

Hello there! I would like to make my own wordlist for this, is there any way i can do that? Thanks.

Kovah commented 2 years ago

Currently not, as all words are managed by the taboo-data library.

Sparkkkkie commented 2 years ago

Currently not, as all words are managed by the taboo-data library.

I also cannot edit that in some way?

Kovah commented 2 years ago

Not really. I mean it would be possible by building the game on your own after making significant changes, but I cannot guarantee anything will work after that.

Probably some future version will provide a way to add or edit words.