KovuTheHusky / NBT

An easy to use and easy to build upon library for reading and writing NBT files used by Minecraft.
MIT License
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Add Easy-to-use API #6

Open RoiEXLab opened 8 years ago

RoiEXLab commented 8 years ago

Like I mentioned earlier, Block IDs with higher values that 0x78 are getting displayed as signed e.g. 0xFF = -1. You should try implementing an API using something like my code here, so that we can provide the save folder in order to get Block-IDs etc. A caching System like the one I implemented would be very useful as well, because it takes quite some time even on a SSD to Read out a .mca File

EDIT: Forgot to metion, my code probably contains bugs. Something is still not working like I want it to.

KovuTheHusky commented 8 years ago

I started working on this again recently. I'll be away from home for most of this week but I should be working on this specifically afterward.