KozGit / DOOM-3-BFG-VR

Doom 3 BFG VR: Fully Possessed. Doom 3 BFG with native Oculus Rift/Touch or OpenVR support
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Computer screen out of bounds in Alpha Labs Sector 1 #165

Open stenyak opened 7 years ago

stenyak commented 7 years ago

(apologies if content issues don't belong here, please redirect me if needed)

First time playing Doom3, went straight into VR. After wasting 20 minutes in an apparent dead end in Alpha Labs Sector 1, near the beginning, I decided to look at a walkthrough:


You can see in Step 21 that a screen button must be clicked. I am unable to click it using the Touch controllers. The player body is pushed back, as if there was a wall limit about 15cm before the hand reaches the screen button.

KozGit commented 7 years ago

This level is actually one of the primary levels I use for testing - you shouldn't have an issue clicking the gui in step 21 - you will however need to physically lean over ( or physically move closer ) to touch the screen. The players bounding box will only allow you to get so close to the desk - once the bounding box collides with the environment, there is some additional distance you can 'lean' the player to get closer to objects. I tested this particular gui just now to check the lean distance, and when leaned in, my arm is less than halfway extended when I touch the gui.

It's possible that the hmd/player body orientation has become misaligned somehow - i for some reason you can't reach it even with leaning, try resetting the hmd orientation in game - not sure which system you are using, but you can check or bind a key to this action in settings->controls->bindings. This will realign the player body with your physical position.

If all else fails, you can temporarily change the method you use to interact with the gui, under settings->vr options->ui options->gui mode you can change the guis to use either the weapon aim or your gaze direction instead of touch.

Later on in the game, there is one gui that you really need to stretch to hit - ( its to access a secret/bounus so not game breaking ). I can increase the lean distance if needed, but that can cause other issues - so I'm interested to know if anyone else is having this issue.

Let me know how this works out!

stenyak commented 7 years ago

This is weird, I'm not sure how the mechanics work, but if I lean my body/head back (rather than forwards), while keeping the hands in the original extended position, the hand then reaches the screen and I can click the button. I can also reach the screen if I lower my whole body 10 or 20 centimeters. This might be a variant of the first trick (unknowingly leaning the head back while trying to keep the head lower). Or it might be because the screen surface is not vertical but inclined, with the lower part closer to the player than the top. Dunno.

I'm not specially tall, my height is set to 1.79m in Oculus configuration. And I guess you could say my arms length is average. They are not specially short or long.

Leaning forwards, on the contrary, only increases the problem, making the screen harder to reach (this is the intuitive thing I was attempting when I couldn't hit the button).

I'm playing from a standing position (around 1.5x2m, so not enough to go walking around), and having centered the headset both in the Oculus menu as well as ingame (using 'Y' default button in the left Touch controller).

I have managed to pass that screen, but if you want any logs or whatever I'll gladly help.

rxstud2011 commented 7 years ago

I'm having the same problem in Mars City underground. Its very early on and in the game. It's screen #28. I tried using the gaze direction and it just won't click. I assume with the hmd gaze I stick trigger click, though I've pressed every button.


KozGit commented 7 years ago

Are you saying you changed the gui mode to gaze controlled instead of motion controlled? If so, you should see a cursor appear on the gui, and then just press fire to 'click'. ( Note - the first time you see this particular gui when the scientist is standing there you can't activate it, only when you come back to it later after hell has broken loose will it lower the bridge.)

If you are using motion controlled guis, you need to direct center of the HMD view to the center of the GUI, and your weapon should lower and turn into a pointer finger, then just touch the screen. You will need to be within arms reach of the gui for this to happen. If it doesn't work, walk away from the gui, then walk back and try again.

rxstud2011 commented 7 years ago

Actually, it seems I'm getting a different problem. I reloaded a save and I can press it, but when I do the bridge won't come out so I'm stuck :-(