KozGit / DOOM-3-BFG-VR

Doom 3 BFG VR: Fully Possessed. Doom 3 BFG with native Oculus Rift/Touch or OpenVR support
GNU General Public License v3.0
370 stars 52 forks source link

Next update again #215

Open tkapis opened 6 years ago

tkapis commented 6 years ago

Hi KozGit, it would be great if you could release the updated version that you have at this moment or least give an idea of when it will be released. Thanks.

AerowynX commented 6 years ago

back in April it was soon.. soooo 2020? haha :) The guys doing the HL2 VR mod also said very soon for their release almost 6 months ago now.. when it comes to free mods life stuff generally comes up since most all these guys are just doing this in their spare time.. what happened to all these living in their parents basement nothing to do hacker types these days heh

cercata commented 6 years ago

I'm eager too ... but you know, when people don't get a wage on this, it can be delayed forever. I'll be happy if it just releases one day :)

formicsapien commented 6 years ago

Is there any way to get a 0.22 build so the save game issue is fixed? Or instructions on how to build?

AerowynX commented 6 years ago

.22 doesn't fix the save issue he had said anyway

cercata commented 6 years ago

Thanks @10101000

CylonSurfer commented 6 years ago

@10101000 - Game still crashes for me while trying to load my 'Communications Transfer' save.

formicsapien commented 6 years ago

@10101000 Haha, guess I should've looked before asking! In any case, awesome work, and thanks!!

tkapis commented 6 years ago

@10101000 All my problems seem to be solved with this build, fantastic, thanks.

MastaFoo commented 6 years ago

Does this exe include the fix for AMD machines that is supposed to be in the next build? I have the fixed amd exe we were to use in the meantime if it doesnt

KozGit commented 6 years ago

Look at you eager beavers :)

Quick update - I just pushed a bunch of changes:

Fixed the cutscenes - no more completely broken animations. This was actually a ton of work and took quite a while - had to update the camera and animation files for all the scenes. Main campaign only so far. ( There are three cutscene modes now, immersive, cropped, and projected. Not in the menus yet, use vr_cinematics to select )

Updated the statwatch to display health and armor bars more clearly, and added health/armor icons to the top. ( Stats and armor indicated by vertical bars on the left and right of the watch display. )

Fixed a bug with in game gui rendering that caused mirrors to black out if a weapon gui or the statwatch came into view at the same time. This bug also caused some in game displays/monitors to have a blank screen instead of their guis, and caused the security monitors not to work. ( Thought it was fixed before, now it's really fixed. )

Hacked in teleportation support during the final boss fight.

Bunch of other fixes.

If you guys are playing the new build and using touch controllers, you can play with enabling hand poses by setting vr_useHandPoses to 1. Cant really interact with the world yet other than guis but hey it's a start. ( You may want to change the control bindings if you do this. I bound run to the left grip, flashlight to the left trigger, and crouch to left stick press ).

You can change the origin of the laser sight with vr_laserSightUseOffset to be either the barrel or lasersight.

Added a push to talk button for voice commands. ( vr_voicePushToTalk to enable, then bind to a button in controls->bindings)

Body can auto hide now when crouching. ( vr_crouchHideBody )

Added option for instant acceleration/deceleration ( vr_instantAccel )

You can choke the shotgun to reduce the spread ( vr_shotgunChoke ) ( this can make the shotgun too powerful if you abuse it )

Added a headshot multiplier ( vr_headshotMultiplier ). I think I'm going to change this to pistol only so you can still drop the zombie maintenance guys with a headshot, but it's too powerful when you get bigger weapons. You'll probably want to change this to 1 or at least reduce it from the default.

Updated player body IK, and torso direction now also follows view/hand directions.

There are some things I need to clean up before release. The orientation of the loading screens between levels is broken. The new code for handling player leaning needs to be cleaned up. Autosaved games break the weapon scale when loaded. And I need to add the new options to the menus. None of these are big deals, and shouldn't take much to straighten out. ( No modeling/animating thankfully! )

Let me know what bugs you find. Unless you find some showstoppers I'll release late next week.

( I would ask a favor though - if you're running the newly compiled version have fun with it, but I would ask that you don't post links to it all over the place - just makes my life harder. Thanks! )

Oh, and thanks again for being patient.

cercata commented 6 years ago

Wow, this is gonna be more polished than most of VR commercial games !!!!!

Thanx dude, good work !!!!

formicsapien commented 6 years ago

@KozGit sweat f** deal man! Like cercata was saying, this is the best VR mod. You're the best!!!! You should post this on reddit.

KozGit commented 6 years ago

Sure, your can post it here, and I appreciate your understanding, thanks! And I'm officially drafting anyone who uses it for bug testing :)

I'm working now to polish this up to get the official release out - again targeting late next week.

Anyone testing out the build @10101000 posted, please feel free to post feedback and bug reports. ( Seriously - let me know what's broken. I did just play the whole Doom 3 campaign start to finish, with lots of saves, to test out the build and cutscenes, so I know the issues I ran into. When working on this, I tend to wind up playing seated more than I would like - I'm closer to the keyboard and the debugging window. Feedback from someone giving it a good roomscale workout would be appreciated, especially if you have the player body view enabled. )


KozGit commented 6 years ago


Sounds like either your save game has become corrupt, or an issue with the install of the HD tecture pack you are using. The index cache error seems like it would be more of an HD issue.

Few questions - can you play through that location if you start the level from the DEV menu without using a save game?

Also, can you post a link to the exact download you used for the HD pack. If you can, please post a copy of your save game file here. Thx!

( I'm assuming you've tried deleting the 'generated' folder in both the 'base' and 'fully possessed' directories ? )

CylonSurfer commented 6 years ago

I am using the HD pack linked from the 12-9 release comments: https://mega.nz/#!68BUCDZS!PVv4gQSrrP0i6U0Huetqfn-WBXZvpMkDKB81F7_9b7o

I have tried running the level from the dev menu and it loads, however if I save at any point during the 'Communications Transfer' section the save will not load or if I die the game crashes when it tries to reload.

Yup - both 'Generated' folders are deleted.

Save Game: GAME-doom3_10.zip

AerowynX commented 6 years ago

HD packs have always been more hassle then they are worth for this game imho.. lost several saves because of them.. unless you are stopping to admire the walls and every detail i'd just skip them.. once the action gets going i don't find it matters much anyway

CylonSurfer commented 6 years ago

I don't really want to start over again :) I think I have played to around this point about 4 times over various releases in the past months.

AerowynX commented 6 years ago

i actually been in same boat and stopped playing and completely removed the game and any traces of HD pack.. plan on doing a full playthrough once the new version of mod is out with no texture packs this time.

CylonSurfer commented 6 years ago

I totally love the game and this mod is superb, one of the best VR experiences out there, but I don't think I could start over again just yet. The early parts of the game have really started to grate on me! I can only imagine what it's like for Samson.

tkapis commented 6 years ago

With the newest build the size of the menu and the PDA changes. When playing the game and opening the menu or the PDA the GUI is suddenly smaller, the left hand appears in the GUI and touch activation no longer works. Restarting the game or loading a save mostly solves the problem although once I have had that only rebooting the pc solved it.

I am using full body mode and it's difficult to see the stat watch, I have to bend my arm to see it.

KozGit commented 6 years ago

Did by any chance this start when you loaded an autosave game? This is actually the bug I'm chasing down now.

tkapis commented 6 years ago

I will try to track down when it happens, I don't think it is only after loading an autosave game.

KozGit commented 6 years ago

This happens with every autosave I load. If I save the game with the PDA corrupt, the immediately load the save, the problem corrects. Can you try saving and loading to see if it clears? Tracking down now whats going on with autosaves.

tkapis commented 6 years ago

By autosaves do you also mean quicksaves ? I use those and quickloads a lot via voice activation.

{EDIT} Loading quicksaves also causes the problem. It seems to happen when loading any save which was not saved via the menu. Saving and loading via the menu seems to clear it.

KozGit commented 6 years ago

Thanks, that helps!

tkapis commented 6 years ago

BTW I am using roomscale and it works fine. Only if I physically turn on the spot my body doesn't turn with me.

How can you delete a save if touch activation is not working ?

KozGit commented 6 years ago

Ok, fixed the weapon/PDA scaling issue on quick/autosaves.

@tkapis - what movement mode are you using? The torso should follow your movements in this build if you physically turn in place.

tkapis commented 6 years ago

Move Mode = 'Off Hand = Forward', Turning ='Real Life'. The whole body definitely does not turn with me if I physically turn in place.

KozGit commented 6 years ago

@tkapis Can you post a copy of your config file here ? ( Normally located in c:\users(your user name)\Saved Games\id Software\DOOM 3 BFG\Fully Possessed - either vr_oculus.cfg or vr_openvr.cfg, depending on what headset you are using.

The body is supposed to be turning now when you turn in real life. I Just verified here with those move settings - but I would like to check if there is something in the config that is preventing it from working for some reason. ( You're using touch controllers or vive wands correct? )

Thanks for the help!

tkapis commented 6 years ago

Here is the config. I'm using vive controllers. vr_openvr.zip

KozGit commented 6 years ago

Thanks. And I just realized I'm not exactly sure which version you are running of the ones 10101000 posted.

Here's a link to the newest version ( with the scaling fix ) - you may want to try this.


Unzip into your d3 dir and replace all files.

I'll check the config.

tkapis commented 6 years ago

Hi KozGit, with the newest version physically turning in place works fine now.

I have one small problem still. I activate the game menu via voice and sometimes what happens is it begins to open the menu and then immediately closes it again. I thought that it had to do with my left hand position at that moment if it's too low but now I am not sure if that's the case.

Also after loading a saved game sometimes the menu is open.

This mod is absolutely brilliant, so immersive, thanks very much for creating it.

tkapis commented 6 years ago

When using full body, can you maybe improve the positioning of the torso when you move, it seems to swell out and then go back most of the time. Is it possible to fix it more to the player ?

CylonSurfer commented 6 years ago

I was looking at the torso just the other night and thought it was too far forward and got in the way a little. However if you look down and walk backwards the torso is positioned perfectly. Personly I think that that the torso should remain in the same position for both backward and forward movement, with the backward position being the correct one of the two. It looks similar to the position of the torso I opted for in my Skyrim mod, 'The Joy of Perspective'.

cercata commented 6 years ago

The "Fully possessed" Doom 3 BFG mod continues to amaze. Dev Samson made a silent release a couple of weeks ago, I think it went unnoticed by most people

He already rectified xD


Link Fixed.

AerowynX commented 6 years ago

link doesn't work.. kozgit posted a link few posts above but i tried that and it didn't work for me

jdawgzim commented 6 years ago

Added a push to talk button for voice commands. ( vr_voicePushToTalk to enable, then bind to a button in controls->bindings)

Thank you @KozGit and whole Doom 3 VR team!

If it's not too difficult can we make the weapon grab from the back bindable to an action? Like If I grab my back it always pulls out a shotgun. Right now it just scrolls through weapons which is unfortunately not helpful :cry: -Or if it behaved the same way the right hip holster behaved that would be cool too.

formicsapien commented 6 years ago

@jdawgzim I would LOVE that! Doesn't seem too hard to implement. I know it would take a lot more work but I like the idea of being able to store even more like this and have a weapon selection system like in H3VR.