KozGit / DOOM-3-BFG-VR

Doom 3 BFG VR: Fully Possessed. Doom 3 BFG with native Oculus Rift/Touch or OpenVR support
GNU General Public License v3.0
371 stars 52 forks source link

Is this project dead already? #254

Open motorsep opened 6 years ago

motorsep commented 6 years ago

I am seeing bunch of open sourced engines started with adding VR support, then motion controllers support, and then shortly after they all had sudden death (or coma). This project seemed to fare far better than the most, but it seems like it did so just to also die along the way :(

Is this really the end??!!

sycspysycspy commented 6 years ago

A new unreleased version is being tested among a few players. Be patient, there are already a number of commits since the release of 0.021 and it's already quite playable at this moment with 0.021.

motorsep commented 6 years ago

I played .021 a long while back and heard the same story about upcoming update :/

KozGit commented 6 years ago

Not dead at all. There's no doubt it's taking me too long to get the next release out, but it's definitely coming - I just seem to have less free time than ever.

Look in the 'Skipping intro videos' issue thread and you will find a link to a more updated test version. Look at some of the new cvars. Lots of small changes and fixes, improved hand models, hand poses when using touch controllers, fixed cutscene animations, and options on how to display cutscenes. Please don't publicise that link as a new release or link to it outside of GitHub, thanks!

motorsep commented 6 years ago

@KozGit Aye, I will keep my fingers crossed!

Any chance to add modability to your version of BFG engine? (StormEngine 2 has a few useful fixes, especially for dmap, particle bounds, etc.)

CarlKenner commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I slacked off and haven't done anything since April. But it's not dead. I'll get around to doing some more work on it eventually.

motorsep commented 6 years ago

You know folks what would be sad? If Beth takes BFG and makes VR version of it, like it did with Fallout 4 and Skyrim. All this work (and feet dragging with 022) would be for nothing :(

jdawgzim commented 6 years ago

I would like to take this moment to thank the developers of this mod. I beat Doom 3 BFG VR with 021 and it still is the best VR game I have ever played. Once 022 is released I plan to promote this mod to all my VR friends. More people need to play this. Keep up the good work!