I'm using Weasyprint 61.x in one of my project. Yesterday I rebuilt my project (that's reinstalled all packages). Since this build, all my tests testing PDF generation are failing with the following error : PDF.__init__() takes 1 positional argument but 3 were given.
As I do not pin exactly Weasyprint, I first believed that the version 61.2 introduces a breaking change but actually not, rollback to a previous minor version does not fix the issue.
But, I think this is due to the upprade of a sub-dependency.
From my side, upgrading to version 62 has fixed the issue and all is working well so it's ok but I still believe something is wrong with Weasyprint 61.x.
I'm using Weasyprint 61.x in one of my project. Yesterday I rebuilt my project (that's reinstalled all packages). Since this build, all my tests testing PDF generation are failing with the following error :
PDF.__init__() takes 1 positional argument but 3 were given
.As I do not pin exactly Weasyprint, I first believed that the version 61.2 introduces a breaking change but actually not, rollback to a previous minor version does not fix the issue.
But, I think this is due to the upprade of a sub-dependency.
From my side, upgrading to version 62 has fixed the issue and all is working well so it's ok but I still believe something is wrong with Weasyprint 61.x.