Kozoaku / XIV_Databar

AddOn for WoW that displays a databar at the bottom/top of the screen with several modules and customization options.
16 stars 3 forks source link

Error when mousing over frineds list on the bar #12

Closed SmolderingEgo closed 1 year ago

SmolderingEgo commented 2 years ago

I have been trying to find a fix for months, I came across your version and tried it and I have the same issue. I noticed the error text includes another addon so I delete it and tried again with no luck, Both addons are using the same version of the LibQtip Minor 49

253x XIV_Databar\modules\micromenu.lua:549: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) [string "@XIV_Databar\modules\micromenu.lua"]:549: in function <XIV_Databar\modules\micromenu.lua:486>

Locals: modifierFunc = defined =[C]:-1 tooltip = { 0 = lines =

{ } headerFont = GameTooltipHeaderText { } backdropInfo =
{ } scripts =
{ } TopRightCorner = { } TopLeftCorner = { } RightEdge = { } scrollFrame = { } BottomLeftCorner = { } height = 293.231873 columns =
{ } cell_margin_v = 3 TopEdge = { } BottomEdge = { } regularFont = GameTooltipText { } width = 390.726509 cell_marginh = 6 colspans =
{ } labelProvider =
{ } key = "SocialToolTip" BottomRightCorner = { } scrollChild = { } LeftEdge = { } Center = { } } = 119 totalBNOnlineFriends = 44 totalOnlineFriends = 0 playerFaction = "Alliance" r = 0 g = 0.439215 b = 0.866665 (for index) = 13 (for limit) = 119 (for step) = 1 i = 13 friendAccInfo =
{ isFriend = true isDND = false isFavorite = false gameAccountInfo =
{ } accountName = "|Kq24|k" battleTag = "Aggreaux#1500" note = "" rafLinkType = 0 bnetAccountID = 25 appearOffline = false customMessage = "" lastOnlineTime = 1628909456 customMessageTime = 0 isAFK = false isBattleTagFriend = true } gameAccount =
{ isGameAFK = false clientProgram = "OSI" richPresence = "Act I - Normal" isGameBusy = false gameAccountID = 189 isWowMobile = false isInCurrentRegion = false regionID = 56 hasFocus = true canSummon = false isOnline = true } charName = nil gameClient = "OSI" realmName = nil faction = nil zone = nil richPresence = "Act I - Normal" isWoW = false isClassic = false statusIcon = "FriendsFrame\StatusIcon-Online" socialIcon = "FriendsFrame\Battlenet-DiabloIIResurrectedicon" (temporary) = nil (temporary) = "FriendsFrame\Battlenet-DiabloIIResurrectedicon" (temporary) = "(|cffecd672Mísfìt-Perenolde|r)" (temporary) =
{ 1 = "WoW" 2 = "S2" 3 = "D3" 4 = "WTCG" 5 = "Hero" 6 = "Pro" 7 = "S1" 8 = "DST2" 9 = "VIPR" 10 = "ODIN" 11 = "LAZR" 12 = "ZEUS" 13 = "W3" } (temporary) = "|TFriendsFrame\StatusIcon-Online:16|t|cff82c5ff |Kq76|k|r " (temporary) = "(|cffecd672Mísfìt-Perenolde|r) The Maw |TFriendsFrame\Battlenet-WoWicon:16|t" (temporary) = defined @BartrubySummonPet\libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua:1420 (temporary) = { 0 = lines =
{ } headerFont = GameTooltipHeaderText { } backdropInfo =
{ } scripts =
{ } TopRightCorner = { } TopLeftCorner = { } RightEdge = { } scrollFrame = { } BottomLeftCorner = { } height = 293.231873 columns =
{ } cell_margin_v = 3 TopEdge = { } BottomEdge = { } regularFont = GameTooltipText { } width = 390.726509 cell_margin_h = 6 colspans =
{ } labelProvider =
{ } key = "SocialToolTip" BottomRightCorner = { } scrollChild = { } LeftEdge = { } Center = { } } (temporary) = 14 (temporary) = "OnMouseUp" (temporary) = defined @XIV_Databar\modules\micromenu.lua:615 (temporary) = nil (temporary) = defined @BartrubySummonPet\libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua:1366 (temporary) = { 0 = OnBackdropLoaded = defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:205 GetBackdropColor = defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:443 SetupTextureCoordinates = defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:267 OnBackdropSizeChanged = defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:235 HasBackdropInfo = defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:331 SetBackdropBorderColor = defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:475 _OnMouseUp_func = defined @XIV_Databar\modules\micromenu.lua:615 GetEdgeSize = defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:241 _OnEnter_func = <func

Kozoaku commented 2 years ago

I'm not able to reproduce this. Can you please download the latest version (3.0.20), disable all other addons, and try again? I would like to fix this for you.

randompsique commented 2 years ago

Not sure if I'm gonna help but this used to happen to me when one of my friends on BNET was playing Diablo Immortal, it also happened before when new COD came out but then it was fixed. Hope it can help you fixing it, thanks!

mikaeleg commented 2 years ago

I have fixed this myself by chaging the micromenu.lua at line 549 with the following:

local gameName='' if MenuModule.socialIcons[gameClient] then gameName = MenuModule.socialIcons[gameClient].text end

This will make it so if socialIcons list is not updated with all the new games on battle.net it will just show the gameName as nothing. It will show the friend as being online but won't say which game the friend is playing. I was thinking of just using gameClient instead in that case, but the recent gameClient ids are just weird and doesnt really help (might help if you wish to update the social icon list to see which id you need to add).