KpwnZ / Def1nit3lyN0tAJa1lbr3akTool

A jailbreak tool for all arm64 devices on iOS 16.0 to iOS 16.6.1
GNU General Public License v3.0
360 stars 44 forks source link

Add support with KPF and landa for 16.0-16.6.1 support #28

Closed murkwhite closed 5 months ago

murkwhite commented 5 months ago

Please update the project to able rejailbreak on 16.6 with before used Palera1n rootless

KpwnZ commented 5 months ago

You can update it by yourself since it's open source.

murkwhite commented 5 months ago

You can update it by yourself since it's open source.

I'm not developer, so I ask real Developer they like a wizard made a magic for users.

Thanks you anyway, I'm waiting for next update and finally I think can get rid of SEP problem.

I know it's free work, and you free time. So it's amazing work.

KpwnZ commented 5 months ago

Actually it does support newer version now (all exploitation code, patch finder). But the highest supported version is hardcoded.

murkwhite commented 5 months ago

Actually it does support newer version now (all exploitation code, patch finder). But the highest supported version is hardcoded.

I'm on 16.6 so it's not supported, waiting for updates

Pwn0day commented 5 months ago

i have ios 16.6.1 so the latest ipa should work with me ? @KpwnZ

michaelmelita1 commented 5 months ago

Why don’t you replace the hardcoded offsets with the dynamic pathfinder from wh1te4ever

Pwn0day commented 5 months ago

it is keeping my 8 plus off when i hit the start button, it doesn't work at 16.6.1 @KpwnZ

KpwnZ commented 5 months ago

Why don’t you replace the hardcoded offsets with the dynamic pathfinder from wh1te4ever

It's already fully dynamic several weeks ago.

KpwnZ commented 5 months ago

it is keeping my 8 plus off when i hit the start button, it doesn't work at 16.6.1 @KpwnZ

Actually it does support newer version now (all exploitation code, patch finder). But the highest supported version is hardcoded. I guess you can fix it.

Pwn0day commented 5 months ago

@KpwnZ i'm busy because i'm working a receptionist at nile cruise ships and i don't have a mac,i hope you can help me with that can i contact you ? @KpwnZ

KpwnZ commented 5 months ago

@KpwnZ i'm busy because i'm working a receptionist at nile cruise ships and i don't have a mac,i hope you can help me with that can i contact you ? @KpwnZ

I am busy with my research now. I won't be able to update this project in a while. Sorry but you can try to contact other developers?

Pwn0day commented 5 months ago

i don't know any developer can help me with that .. @KpwnZ

KpwnZ commented 5 months ago

i don't know any developer can help me with that .. @KpwnZ

Also I think GitHub now provides macOS action runner.

michaelmelita1 commented 5 months ago

Weren’t you going to build 0.999.8 yesterday?

Pwn0day commented 5 months ago

@KpwnZ small little help and i will search with myself, i followed you again on X but i can't dm you @KpwnZ

KpwnZ commented 5 months ago

@KpwnZ small little help and i will search with myself, i followed you again on X but i can't dm you @KpwnZ

My dm is open.

KpwnZ commented 5 months ago

@KpwnZ small little help and i will search with myself, i followed you again on X but i can't dm you @KpwnZ

Please open a new issue.

Pwn0day commented 5 months ago

@KpwnZ only verified people can dm you, so follow me back or dm me to start conversation

KpwnZ commented 5 months ago

@KpwnZ only verified people can dm you, so follow me back or dm me to start conversation

Open a new issue, this is irrelevant to current topic.

KpwnZ commented 5 months ago

Closed, work in progress.

Pwn0day commented 5 months ago

@KpwnZ i reply on X i hope you see it

KpwnZ commented 5 months ago

@KpwnZ i reply on X i hope you see it

Just don't ping me under irrelevant post...

Pwn0day commented 5 months ago

i just did it to k ow my acc. i remove it ..

KpwnZ commented 5 months ago

i just did it to k ow my acc. i remove it ..

I will add an exploitation method selection menu later.

Pwn0day commented 5 months ago

@KpwnZ i'm waiting you to test.

KpwnZ commented 5 months ago

Weren’t you going to build 0.999.8 yesterday?

v0.999.8 is released.

Pwn0day commented 5 months ago

Weren’t you going to build 0.999.8 yesterday?

v0.999.8 is released.

Still crashing on iOS 16.6.1 8 plus

KpwnZ commented 5 months ago

Weren’t you going to build 0.999.8 yesterday?

v0.999.8 is released.

Still crashing on iOS 16.6.1 8 plus

I didn't say it supports 16.6.1.

Pwn0day commented 5 months ago

Weren’t you going to build 0.999.8 yesterday?

v0.999.8 is released.

Still crashing on iOS 16.6.1 8 plus

I didn't say it supports 16.6.1.


Pwn0day commented 5 months ago

Please update the project to able rejailbreak on 16.6 with before used Palera1n rootless

please join us on the discord